Institut für Medizin, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
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Spatiotemporal characterisation of ischaemic lesions in transient stroke animal models using diffusion free water elimination and mapping MRI with echo time dependence00.342021
A Linearized Fit Model for Robust Shape Parameterization of FET-PET TACs.00.342021
Design and Construction of a PET-Compatible Double-Tuned <sup>1</sup>H/<sup>31</sup>P MR Head Coil00.342021
Bolus infusion scheme for the adjustment of steady state [11C]Flumazenil levels in the grey matter and in the blood plasma for neuroreceptor imaging00.342020
Requirement-driven model-based development methodology applied to the design of a real-time MEG data processing unit00.342020
Scatter Correction based on GPU-accelerated Full Monte Carlo Simulation for Brain PET/MRI.00.342020
Application of Evolution Strategies to the Design of SAR Efficient Parallel Transmit Multi-Spoke Pulses for Ultra-High Field MRI00.342020
Application Of Compressed Sensing Using Chirp Encoded 3d Gre And Mprage Sequences00.342020
Quality-based (URSULA) for high-resolution MRI data.00.342019
Quantitative MRI of cerebral white matter hyperintensities: A new approach towards understanding the underlying pathology.00.342019
Multi-Exponential Relaxometry Using $\ell_{{1}}$ -Regularized Iterative NNLS (MERLIN) With Application to Myelin Water Fraction Imaging00.342019
A Deep Learning Framework for Transforming Image Reconstruction Into Pixel Classification10.362019
Signal Loss Compensation of RF Crossbar Switch Matrix System in Ultra-High Field MRI.00.342018
Development and Implementation of a PIN-Diode Controlled, Quadrature-Enhanced, Double-Tuned RF Coil for Sodium MRI.00.342018
Design of a Quadrature 1H/31P Coil Using Bent Dipole Antenna and Four-Channel Loop at 3T MRI.10.412018
MoCoNet: Motion Correction in 3D MPRAGE images using a Convolutional Neural Network approach.00.342018
Accelerated Parameter Mapping of Multiple-Echo Gradient-Echo Data Using Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction.10.352018
Diffusion kurtosis metrics as biomarkers of microstructural development: A comparative study of a group of children and a group of adults.10.362017
MR-based attenuation map re-alignment and motion correction in simultaneous brain MR-PET imaging00.342017
Model-Driven Development Methodology Applied to Real-Time MEG Signal Preprocessing System Design00.342017
Residual Encoder and Convolutional Decoder Neural Network for Glioma Segmentation.20.632017
Mapping tissue sodium concentration in the human brain: A comparison of MR sequences at 9.4 Tesla.00.342014
A constrained ICA approach for real-time cardiac artifact rejection in magnetoencephalography.40.492014
Attention to detail: why considering task demands is essential for single-trial analysis of BOLD correlates of the visual P1 and N1.20.372014
Parallel imaging acceleration of EPIK for reduced image distortions in fMRI.10.372013
Do EEG paradigms work in fMRI? Varying task demands in the visual oddball paradigm: Implications for task design and results interpretation.30.462013
EEG acquisition in ultra-high static magnetic fields up to 9.4 T.50.422013
Analysis and correction of count rate reduction during simultaneous MR-PET measurements with the BrainPET scanner.00.342012
Spatially variable Rician noise in magnetic resonance imaging.100.652012
Investigation of the spatial correlation in human white matter and the influence of age using 3-dimensional variography applied to MP-RAGE data.30.462012
Nicotine effects on brain function during a visual oddball task: a comparison between conventional and EEG-informed fMRI analysis.20.382012
The impact of a Dysbindin schizophrenia susceptibility variant on fiber tract integrity in healthy individuals: A TBSS-based diffusion tensor imaging study.30.562012
Increased brain tissue sodium concentration in Huntington's Disease - A sodium imaging study at 4 T.30.512012
On the problem of gradient calibration in diffusion weighted imaging00.342011
Non-Gaussian diffusion in human brain tissue at high b-factors as examined by a combined diffusion kurtosis and biexponential diffusion tensor analysis.30.512011
Effect of CACNA1C rs1006737 on neural correlates of verbal fluency in healthy individuals.50.802010
The effect of G72 genotype on neural correlates of memory encoding and retrieval.00.342010
The current state, challenges and perspectives of MR-PET.50.552010
Animated brain: A functional neuroimaging study on animacy experience.60.702010
White-matter abnormalities in Tourette syndrome extend beyond motor pathways.70.692010
Simultaneous PET and MR Imaging with a Newly Developed 3TMR-BrainPET Scanner.00.342010
COMT genotype and its role on hippocampal-prefrontal regions in declarative memory.30.502010
Minds made for sharing: initiating joint attention recruits reward-related neurocircuitry.301.742010
A putative high risk diplotype of the G72 gene is in healthy individuals associated with better performance in working memory functions and altered brain activity in the medial temporal lobe.30.522009
Gender differences in brain networks supporting empathy.60.552008
Increased neural response related to neutral faces in individuals at risk for psychosis10.362008
Genetic variation in the schizophrenia-risk gene neuregulin1 correlates with differences in frontal brain activation in a working memory task in healthy individuals.40.602008
Quantitative cerebral water content mapping in hepatic encephalopathy.60.862008
HPC Simulation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging00.342007
Prefrontal involvement in imitation learning of hand actions: effects of practice and expertise.211.522007
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