Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China
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Backscattering Simulation of Emulsion oil Covered Sea Surface.00.342021
Numerical Study on the Wind Direction Asymmetries of Fully Polarimetric Ocean Emission at L-Band.00.342021
Effects of Ocean Wave Spectrum Truncation on Sea Clutter Distribution in Numerical Simulations.00.342021
Depolarized Scattering of Rough Surface With Dielectric Inhomogeneity and Spatial Anisotropy10.362021
Editorial for Special Issue "Tropical Cyclones Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation".00.342020
Objective Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity from Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Observations in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean.00.342019
Effects of Wind Wave Spectra on Radar Backscatter From Sea Surface at Different Microwave Bands: A Numerical Study00.342019
Effect of Bispectrum on Radar Backscattering From Non-Gaussian Sea Surface00.342019
Assimilation of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the Regional Ocean Model for South China Sea.00.342019
Estimation of Surface Air Specific Humidity and Air-Sea Latent Heat Flux Using FY-3C Microwave Observations.00.342019
Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GNSS-R Mission: Technique and Preliminary Results00.342019
Sea Fetch Observed by Synthetic Aperture Radar.00.342017
A Hurricane Wind Speed Retrieval Model for C-Band RADARSAT-2 Cross-Polarization ScanSAR Images.100.812017
Ocean Surface Wind Retrieval Using SMAP L-Band SAR.20.412017
A Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery Classification Scheme for Mud and Sand Flats in Intertidal Zones.60.522017
Assimilation of Sentinel-1 Derived Sea Surface Winds for Typhoon Forecasting.00.342017
An Improved Spectrum Model for Sea Surface Radar Backscattering at L-Band.40.482017
A Comprehensive Analysis of Rough Soil Surface Scattering and Emission Predicted by AIEM With Comparison to Numerical Simulations and Experimental Measurements.60.442017
Detection of Bivalve Beds on Exposed Intertidal Flats Using Polarimetric SAR Indicators.00.342017
Assimilation of Typhoon Wind Field Retrieved from Scatterometer and SAR Based on the Huber Norm Quality Control.10.352017
A New Eddy Detection Method With Object Segmentation Strategies For Satellite Altimetry00.342016
SAR Observation of Eddy-Induced Mode-2 Internal Solitary Waves in the South China Sea.10.512016
Radar Response of Off-Specular Bistatic Scattering to Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness at L-Band.10.352016
Sar Observation And Wrf Model Simulation Of Land Breeze In Hainan Island, China00.342016
Uncertainties In Directional Offshore Wind Distribution Estimate From Satellite Remote Sensing00.342016
Coastal Zone Classification With Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery.60.542016
Merging Satellite Ocean Color Data With Bayesian Maximum Entropy Method00.342015
Synergistic Use of Satellite Observations and Numerical Weather Model to Study Atmospheric Occluded Fronts00.342015
Sar Imaging Of Mode-2 Internal Waves In The South China Sea00.342015
Fetch Imaged By Sar And Simulated By Wrf Model10.482015
An Improved Model for L-Band Brightness Temperature Estimation Over Foam-Covered Seas Under Low and Moderate Winds00.342014
Bathymetry Retrieval From Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data in Optical-Shallow Water30.592014
Estimation of Marine Primary Productivity From Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Absorption Data10.632014
Validation of sea surface wind vecter retrieval from China's HY-2A Scatterometer10.352013
A Systematic Comparison of the Effect of Polarization Ratio Models on Sea Surface Wind Retrieval From C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar121.032013
The impact of vertical wind shear on the hurricane eye tilt at the sea and cloud levels00.342013
Ocean surface response to hurricanes observed by SAR10.412012
Validation of SAR-derived sea surface wind products00.342012
On the role of wind modulation of internal solitary wave signatures in SAR images00.342012
Comparison of Ocean Surface Winds From ENVISAT ASAR, MetOp ASCAT Scatterometer, Buoy Measurements, and NOGAPS Model323.392011
SAR observation and WRF simulation of marine atmospheric boundary layer phenomena00.342011
Comparison of Ocean-Surface Winds Retrieved From QuikSCAT Scatterometer and Radarsat-1 SAR in Offshore Waters of the U.S. West Coast00.342011
Spaceborne sar imaging of coastal ocean phenomena00.342010
Atmospheric correction of directional polarized ocean color sensors00.342007