unitec institute of technology
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Location-Aware and Budget-Constrained Service Brokering in Multi-Cloud via Deep Reinforcement Learning.10.352021
A Scalable Approach to SDN Control Plane Management: High Utilization Comes with Low Latency20.412020
Cooperative Coevolution Design of Multilevel Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Media Access Control in Wireless Body Area Networks00.342020
Evolutionary Design of Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Ensemble.00.342020
A New Framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning -- Centralized Training and Exploration with Decentralized Execution via Policy Distillation00.342020
Location-Aware and Budget-Constrained Service Deployment for Composite Applications in Multi-Cloud Environment.40.422020
Location-Aware and Budget-Constrained Application Replication and Deployment in Multi-Cloud Environment10.352020
Achieving IoT Devices Secure Sharing in Multi-User Smart Space00.342020
QoS-constrained multi-objective distributed data-intensive web service composition - NSGA-II with repair method00.342020
A Fitness-based Selection Method for Pareto Local Search for Many-Objective Job Shop Scheduling.00.342020
Divide and conquer: Seeding strategies for multi-objective multi-cloud composite applications deployment10.352020
Genetic Programming Based Hyper Heuristic Approach for Dynamic Workflow Scheduling in the Cloud.00.342020
Evolving Deep Recurrent Neural Networks Using A New Variable-Length Genetic Algorithm.00.342020
Distance-Guided GA-Based Approach to Distributed Data-Intensive Web Service Composition.00.342019
Active Sampling for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling using Genetic Programming00.342019
Genetic Programming with Pareto Local Search for Many-Objective Job Shop Scheduling.00.342019
Towards Robust Web Service Composition with Stochastic Service Failures Based on a Genetic Algorithm.00.342019
Off-Policy Actor-Critic in an Ensemble: Achieving Maximum General Entropy and Effective Environment Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning.00.342019
A memetic algorithm with distance-guided crossover - distributed data-intensive web service composition.00.342019
Effective Scheduling Function Design in SDN through Deep Reinforcement Learning.00.342019
A Genetic-Based Approach to Location-Aware Cloud Service Brokering in Multi-Cloud Environment10.352019
An investigation of ensemble combination schemes for genetic programming based hyper-heuristic approaches to dynamic job shop scheduling.60.392018
NEAT for large-scale reinforcement learning through evolutionary feature learning and policy gradient search.10.372018
An Adaptive Clipping Approach for Proximal Policy Optimization.10.352018
Reference Point Adaption Method for Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic in Many-Objective Job Shop Scheduling.00.342018
Effective Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning via Bootstrapped Q-Ensembles under Tsallis Entropy Regularization.20.372018
Investigating a Machine Breakdown Genetic Programming Approach for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling.00.342018
BLAC: A Bindingless Architecture for Distributed SDN Controllers10.352017
Effective Policy Gradient Search for Reinforcement Learning Through NEAT Based Feature Extraction.10.362017
Cooperative Design of Two Level Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Medium Access Control in Wireless Body Area Networks.00.342017
Toward evolving dispatching rules for dynamic job shop scheduling under uncertainty.10.362017
Automated state feature learning for actor-critic reinforcement learning through NEAT.00.342017
Automatic design of fuzzy logic controllers for medium access control in wireless body area networks - An evolutionary approach.20.382017
Evolving Transferable Artificial Neural Networks for Gameplay Tasks via NEAT with Phased Searching.00.342017
Generalized Compatible Function Approximation for Policy Gradient Search.10.362016
Guest editorial: special issue on evolutionary optimization, feature reduction and learning.00.342016
Niching Genetic Programming based Hyper-heuristic Approach to Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling: An Investigation into Distance Metrics.20.372016
Accuracy-Based Learning Classifier Systems for Multistep Reinforcement Learning: A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Handling Continuous Inputs and Learning Continuous Actions.00.342016
Dynamic class imbalance learning for incremental LPSVM.100.532013
Service Provision Control in Federated Service Providing Systems10.352013
Chunk incremental IDR/QR LDA learning30.362013
An incremental learning approach to continuous image change detection10.352013
SDE-Driven service provision control00.342012
Designing games to educate diabetic children40.772011
A self-organization mechanism based on cross-entropy method for P2P-like applications10.402010