University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany , DE
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Evaluating the Robot Personality and Verbal Behavior of Domestic Robots Using Video-Based Studies.70.472011
Multiple sequence alignment based bootstrapping for improved incremental word learning20.452010
Mit Kopf, Körper und Hand: Herausforderungen Humanoider Roboter (Head, Body and Hand: Challenges of Humanoid Robots)10.362010
Mediated attention with multimodal augmented reality70.672009
A dynamic attention system that reorients to unexpected motion in real-world traffic environments00.342009
Excellence Cluster "Cognitive Interaction Technology" - Cognition As A Basis For Natural Interaction With Technical Systems00.342009
Fusion of perceptual processes for real-time object tracking.30.442008
Automatic initialization for facial analysis in interactive robotics90.572008
Active memory-based interaction strategies for learning-enabling behaviors.40.532008
Memory and learning for social robots.00.342008
Human-Oriented Interaction With an Anthropomorphic Robot321.382007
View-adaptive manipulative action recognition for robot companions20.392007
Semi-supervised Incremental Learning of Manipulative Tasks00.342007
On Constructing a Communicative Space in HRI70.582007
ICVS 2007 - Vision Systems in the Real World00.342007
An object-oriented approach using a top-down and bottom-up process for manipulative action recognition40.482006
BIRON, what's the topic? A Multi-Modal Topic Tracker for improved Human-Robot Interaction120.732006
BIRON, where are you? Enabling a robot to learn new places in a real home environment by integrating spoken dialog and visual localization241.222006
Robust Speech Understanding for Multi-Modal Human-Robot Communication100.772006
Human-Like Person Tracking With An Anthropomorphic Robot80.982006
A computational model of multi-modal grounding for human robot interaction90.882006
Integration and Coordination in a Cognitive Vision System90.662006
Designing a sociable humanoid robot for interdisciplinary research110.972006
Interactive object learning for robot companions using mosaic images20.362005
Human-style interaction with a robot for cooperative learning of scene objects131.012005
Modelling expertise for structure elucidation in organic chemistry using Bayesian networks20.412005
Multi-modal human-machine communication for instructing robot grasping tasks403.532005
Recognition of Deictic Gestures with Context120.792004
"Biron, Let Me Show You Something": Evaluating The Interaction With A Robot Companion121.422004
Intelligent Navigation in Image Databases00.342004
Mosaics from Arbitrary Stereo Video Sequences60.592004
Combining sensory and symbolic data for manipulative gesture recognition70.602004
A Dialog Based Interactive Robot00.342004
From Image Features To Symbols And Vice Versa - Using Graphs To Loop Data- And Model-Driven Processing In Visual Assembly Recognition60.502004
Memory Consistency Validation in a Cognitive Vision System70.722004
Architekturen situierter Kommunikatoren: Von Perzeption über Kognition zum Lernen10.352003
Computer vision systems00.342003
Providing the basis for human-robot-interaction: a multi-modal attention system for a mobile robot562.952003
Comparing bound and unbound protein structures using energy calculation and rotamer statistics.10.412002
INDI - intelligent database navigation by interactive and intuitive content-based image retrieval60.602002
Evaluating Integrated Speech- and Image Understanding90.622002
A Multimodal System for Object Learning50.752002
Automatische Auswertung von Mikro-Array-Bildern20.462002
Combining acoustic and articulatory feature information for robust speech recognition723.072002
Computer Vision Systems, Second International Workshop, ICVS 2001 Vancouver, Canada, July 7-8, 2001, Proceedings145.712001
An investigation of modelling aspects for ratedependent speech recognition30.422001
Incorporating process knowledge into object recognition for assemblies00.342001
A Handwriting Recognition System Based on Visual Input10.352001
Erkennung von Konstruktionshandlungen aus Bildfolgen10.352000
Grammars and Discourse Theory to Describe and Recognize Mechanical Assemblies40.452000
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