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An impact of tensor-based data compression methods on deep neural network accuracy.00.342021
A Study on Pattern Recognition with the Histograms of Oriented Gradients in Distorted and Noisy Images.00.342020
Privacy Preserving Real-Time Video Stream Change Detection Based on the Orthogonal Tensor Decomposition Models.00.342020
Data Stream Classification using Active Learned Neural Networks00.342019
Impact Of Low Resolution On Image Recognitionwith Deep Neural Networks: An Experimental Study20.362018
Real-time marine snow noise removal from underwater video sequences.00.342018
Parallel Algorithms for Multidimensional Data Streams Analysis with Tensor Subspace Models.00.342018
Modern Approaches to Multi-dimensional Visual Signals Analysis.00.342018
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Classification of Histopathological Images Affected by Data Imbalance.00.342018
Change Detection In Multidimensional Data Streams With Efficient Tensor Subspace Model10.372018
Software Framework For Tensor Stream Processing On Embedded Vision Platforms00.342017
Tensor-Based Shot Boundary Detection in Video Streams.40.432017
Efficient Real-Time Background Detection Based On The Pca Subspace Decomposition00.342017
On Efficient Computation Of Tensor Subspace Kernels For Multi-Dimensional Data00.342017
Selecting locally specialised classifiers for one-class classification ensembles40.392017
Real-Time Image Content Assessment for Underwater Robot Manoeuvring Based on Structural Tensor Analysis.00.342017
Image and video processing with tensor methods00.342017
Image Recognition With Deep Neural Networks In Presence Of Noise - Dealing With And Taking Advantage Of Distortions260.722017
Examination Of The Deep Neural Networks In Classification Of Distorted Signals20.392016
Active Learning Classification of Drifted Streaming Data.40.412016
A First Attempt On Online Data Stream Classifier Using Context00.342016
Real-time framework for tensor-based image enhancement for object classification.00.342016
Ensemble Of Hosvd Generated Tensor Subspace Classifiers With Optimal Tensor Flattening Directions00.342016
Ensembles Of Heterogeneous Concept Drift Detectors - Experimental Study40.412016
Efficient Multidimensional Pattern Recognition In Kernel Tensor Subspaces00.342016
Active Learning Classifier For Streaming Data20.392016
Deep Neural Image Denoising20.372016
Efficient Computation Of The Tensor Chordal Kernels00.342016
On Robust Computation of Tensor Classifiers Based on the Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition.30.392016
Learning Decision Trees from Data Streams with Concept Drift.10.352016
Intelligent Methods Applied to Health-Care Information Systems.10.352016
A Survey of Big Data Issues in Electronic Health Record Analysis.20.392016
Data Classification With Ensembles Of One-Class Support Vector Machines And Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization10.352015
Multidimensional data classification with chordal distance based kernel and Support Vector Machines90.562015
Real-Time Eye Detection and Tracking in the Near-Infrared Video for Drivers' Drowsiness Control.00.342015
Selected aspects of electronic health record analysis from the big data perspective20.352015
An Improved Vehicle Logo Recognition Using a Classifier Ensemble Based on Pattern Tensor Representation and Decomposition.20.402015
Tensor based representation and analysis of the electronic healthcare record data30.392015
Hybrid ensemble of classifiers for logo and trademark symbols recognition.50.422015
Weighted One-Class Classifier Ensemble Based on Fuzzy Feature Space Partitioning10.352014
Novel Parallel Algorithm For Object Recognition With The Ensemble Of Classifiers Based On The Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition Of Prototype Pattern Tensors10.352014
The Influence Of A Classifiers' Diversity On The Quality Of Weighted Aging Ensemble30.392014
Clustering-Based Ensemble of One-Class Classifiers for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation00.342014
Vehicle Logo Recognition With An Ensemble Of Classifiers30.442014
Object Recognition with the Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition of the Multi-dimensional Prototype Tensors30.402014
Parallelized Algorithms For Finding Similar Images And Object Recognition00.342013
A framework for image analysis and object recognition in industrial applications with the ensemble of classifiers.20.402013
Eye recognition in near-infrared images for driver's drowsiness monitoring00.342013
INSTREET - Application for Urban Photograph Localization20.432012
A multi-tool for ground-truth stereo correspondence, object outlining and points-of-interest selection20.412012
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