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Exploring Apache Incubator Project Trajectories with APEX00.342022
Beyond NVD - Cybersecurity meets the Semantic Web.10.372021
Apache Software Foundation Incubator Project Sustainability Dataset20.432021
Sustainability forecasting for Apache incubator projects20.432021
Software visualization and deep transfer learning for effective software defect prediction00.342020
Team discussions and dynamics during DevOps tool adoptions in OSS projects00.342020
Cross-project code clones in GitHub10.362019
Studying Android App Popularity by Cross-Linking GitHub and Google Play Store00.342019
Tool choice matters: JavaScript quality assurance tools and usage outcomes in GitHub projects10.352019
A clustering-based approach for mining dockerfile evolutionary trajectories10.362019
Socio-technical work-rate increase associates with changes in work patterns in online projects10.352019
Whom Are You Going to Call?: Determinants of @-Mentions in GitHub Discussions.20.352019
Reconstructing Gene Networks of Forest Trees from Gene Expression Data - Toward Higher-Resolution Approaches.00.342018
One size does not fit all: an empirical study of containerized continuous deployment workflows.50.462018
Modern Food Foraging Patterns: Geography and Cuisine Choices of Restaurant Patrons on Yelp.30.402018
Social Synchrony on Complex Networks.50.432018
Within-ecosystem issue linking - a large-scale study of rails.10.352018
Tracing distributed collaborative development in apache software foundation projects.20.372017
The impact of continuous integration on other software development practices: a large-scale empirical study.330.942017
Some from here, some from there: cross-project code reuse in GitHub.90.542017
Stochastic actor-oriented modeling for studying homophily and social influence in OSS projects.00.342017
A Large-Scale Study Of Programming Languages And Code Quality In Github70.442017
Perceived language complexity in GitHub issue discussions and their effect on issue resolution.20.352017
The sky is not the limit: multitasking across GitHub projects.170.632016
Initial and Eventual Software Quality Relating to Continuous Integration in GitHub.00.342016
Developer onboarding in GitHub: the role of prior social links and language experience230.772015
Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams852.642015
Assert use in GitHub projects140.572015
A Data Set for Social Diversity Studies of GitHub Teams250.862015
Developer initiation and social interactions in OSS : a case study of the Apache software foundation180.842015
Perceptions of Diversity on Git Hub: A User Survey120.722015
Quality and productivity outcomes relating to continuous integration in GitHub1003.132015
Wait for it: determinants of pull request evaluation latency on GitHub391.222015
Focus-shifting patterns of OSS developers and their congruence with call graphs110.472014
How social Q&A sites are changing knowledge sharing in open source software communities731.842014
A large scale study of programming languages and code quality in github942.632014
Building it together: synchronous development in OSS140.542014
Converging Work-Talk Patterns In Online Task-Oriented Communities60.432014
Using and Asking: APIs Used in the Android Market and Asked about in StackOverflow200.772013
Dual ecological measures of focus in software development200.692013
StackOverflow and GitHub: Associations between Software Development and Crowdsourced Knowledge722.402013
Social Activities Rival Patch Submission for Prediction of Developer Initiation in OSS Projects80.442013
MIC check: a correlation tactic for ESE data30.372012
POPE: pipeline of parentally-biased expression20.432012
Measuring the Effect of Social Communications on Individual Working Rhythms: A Case Study of Open Source Software120.612012
Invited: Identifying mutations from TILLING experiments00.342012
Mining Stack Exchange: Expertise Is Evident from Initial Contributions180.832012
Ecological inference in empirical software engineering571.602011
Statistical mutation calling from sequenced overlapping DNA pools in TILLING experiments.80.342011
Structure and Dynamics of Research Collaboration in Computer Science181.062009
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