Ingo Wegener's group, Technische Universität Dortmund
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Runtime Analysis of the (1+1) EA on Weighted Sums of Transformed Linear Functions00.342022
Runtime Analysis of Single- and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Chance Constrained Optimization Problems with Normally Distributed Random Variables.00.342022
Tight Bounds on the Expected Runtime of a Standard Steady State Genetic Algorithm00.342022
The Compact Genetic Algorithm Struggles on Cliff Functions00.342022
Simulated Annealing is a Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem00.342022
Runtime Analysis of Single- and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Chance Constrained Optimization Problems with Normally Distributed Random Variables00.342022
Self-Adjusting Evolutionary Algorithms for Multimodal Optimization00.342022
The Complex Parameter Landscape Of The Compact Genetic Algorithm00.342021
On crossing fitness valleys with majority-vote crossover and estimation-of-distribution algorithms00.342021
Stagnation detection in highly multimodal fitness landscapes00.342021
Improved Runtime Results For Simple Randomised Search Heuristics On Linear Functions With A Uniform Constraint00.342021
Lower Bounds On The Runtime Of Crossover-Based Algorithms Via Decoupling And Family Graphs00.342021
Runtime Analysis For Self-Adaptive Mutation Rates10.352021
Self-adjusting evolutionary algorithms for multimodal optimization00.342020
Lower bounds on the run time of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMax.10.362020
A tight lower bound on the expected runtime of standard steady state genetic algorithms10.352020
The ($$1+\lambda $$1+λ) Evolutionary Algorithm with Self-Adjusting Mutation Rate30.382019
Sharp Bounds on the Runtime of the (1+1) EA via Drift Analysis and Analytic Combinatorial Tools.10.352019
Improved runtime results for simple randomised search heuristics on linear functions with a uniform constraint00.342019
Lower bounds on the runtime of crossover-based algorithms via decoupling and family graphs00.342019
Upper Bounds on the Running Time of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMax40.392019
On the Choice of the Update Strength in Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization20.372019
Runtime analysis for self-adaptive mutation rates.80.412018
Theory of Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms.00.342018
Medium step sizes are harmful for the compact genetic algorithm.50.412018
Optimal Mutation Rates for the (1+\(\lambda \)) EA on OneMax Through Asymptotically Tight Drift Analysis00.342018
The (1+λ) Evolutionary Algorithm with Self-Adjusting Mutation Rate.160.602017
Lower Bounds on the Run Time of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMax.130.592017
The Interplay of Population Size and Mutation Probability in the (1 + λ) EA on OneMax.00.342017
A Runtime Analysis of Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms in Dynamic Optimization.30.402017
Upper Bounds on the Runtime of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on OneMax.70.512017
Detecting structural breaks in time series via genetic algorithms.20.372017
Optimal Mutation Rates for the (1+λ) EA on OneMax.20.362016
Guest Editorial: Theory of Evolutionary Computation.00.342016
Update Strength in EDAs and ACO: How to Avoid Genetic Drift.140.702016
Improved time complexity analysis of the Simple Genetic Algorithm250.812015
Population Size vs. Mutation Strength for the (1+λ) EA on OneMax80.502015
(1+1) EA on Generalized Dynamic OneMax80.532015
On the Runtime of Randomized Local Search and Simple Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Makespan Scheduling.20.372015
Revised analysis of the (1+1) ea for the minimum spanning tree problem30.362014
Bioinspired computation in combinatorial optimization: algorithms and their computational complexity00.342014
On the runtime analysis of the Simple Genetic Algorithm240.922014
A method to derive fixed budget results from expected optimisation times170.772013
Runtime analysis of ant colony optimization on dynamic shortest path problems.130.592013
Improved runtime analysis of the simple genetic algorithm50.502013
When do evolutionary algorithms optimize separable functions in parallel?100.472013
Evolutionary algorithms for the detection of structural breaks in time series: extended abstract00.342013
Theoretical analysis of two ACO approaches for the traveling salesman problem.220.852012
Erratum: Simplified Drift Analysis for Proving Lower Bounds in Evolutionary Computation.00.342012
Bioinspired Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Their Computational Complexity1314.642012
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