Tsinghua Univ, Inst Network Sci & Cyberspace, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China
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SFuzz: Slice-based Fuzzing for Real-Time Operating Systems00.342022
Analyzing Ground-Truth Data of Mobile Gambling Scams00.342022
Exploit the Last Straw That Breaks Android Systems00.342022
A Large-scale and Longitudinal Measurement Study of DKIM Deployment00.342022
Timing-Based Browsing Privacy Vulnerabilities Via Site Isolation00.342022
Building an Open, Robust, and Stable Voting-Based Domain Top List00.342022
Invoke-Deobfuscation: AST-Based and Semantics-Preserving Deobfuscation for PowerShell Scripts00.342022
Measuring the Practical Effect of DNS Root Server Instances: A China-Wide Case Study00.342022
ValCAT: Variable-Length Contextualized Adversarial Transformations Using Encoder-Decoder Language Model00.342022
Measuring the Deployment of 5G Security Enhancement00.342022
An Extensive Study of Residential Proxies in China00.342022
HDiff: A Semi-automatic Framework for Discovering Semantic Gap Attack in HTTP Implementations00.342022
Fast IPv6 Network Periphery Discovery and Security Implications10.362021
Mingling of Clear and Muddy Water: Understanding and Detecting Semantic Confusion in Blackhat SEO00.342021
Sharing More and Checking Less: Leveraging Common Input Keywords to Detect Bugs in Embedded Systems00.342021
Weak Links in Authentication Chains: A Large-scale Analysis of Email Sender Spoofing Attacks00.342021
Rusted Anchors: A National Client-Side View of Hidden Root CAs in the Web PKI Ecosystem00.342021
On Evaluating Delegated Digital Signing of Broadcasting Messages in 5G00.342021
TextExerciser: Feedback-driven Text Input Exercising for Android Applications00.342020
Understanding Promotion-as-a-Service on GitHub.00.342020
DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Reloaded: Revolutions with Side Channels50.492020
Argot: Generating Adversarial Readable Chinese Texts00.342020
Lies in the Air: Characterizing Fake-base-station Spam Ecosystem in China00.342020
CDN Backfired: Amplification Attacks Based on HTTP Range Requests10.352020
CDN Judo: Breaking the CDN DoS Protection with Itself30.402020
Talking with Familiar Strangers: An Empirical Study on HTTPS Context Confusion Attacks20.372020
Finding the best answer: measuring the optimization of public and authoritative DNS00.342019
NETHCF: Enabling Line-rate and Adaptive Spoofed IP Traffic Filtering10.412019
Fuzzing IPC with Knowledge Inference00.342019
Casino royale: a deep exploration of illegal online gambling10.352019
TraffickStop: Detecting and Measuring Illicit Traffic Monetization Through Large-Scale DNS Analysis10.352019
An End-to-End, Large-Scale Measurement of DNS-over-Encryption: How Far Have We Come?40.432019
Tl;Dr Hazard: A Comprehensive Study Of Levelsquatting Scams00.342019
Icufuzzer: Fuzzing Icu Library For Exploitable Bugs In Multiple Software00.342018
A Reexamination of Internationalized Domain Names: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly20.372018
Measuring Privacy Threats in China-Wide Mobile Networks.00.342018
Abusing CDNs for Fun and Profit: Security Issues in CDNs' Origin Validation10.362018
How You Get Shot in the Back: A Systematical Study about Cryptojacking in the Real World.60.582018
How to Notify a Vulnerability to the Right Person? Case Study: In an ISP Scope.00.342017
How to Learn Klingon without a Dictionary: Detection and Measurement of Black Keywords Used by the Underground Economy20.642017
Don't Let One Rotten Apple Spoil the Whole Barrel: Towards Automated Detection of Shadowed Domains.100.572017
An accurate distributed scheme for detection of prefix interception.00.342016
Reexamining DNS From a Global Recursive Resolver Perspective100.652016
What You See Isn't Always What You Get: A Measurement Study of Usage Fraud on Android Apps.10.352016
Seeking Nonsense, Looking for Trouble: Efficient Promotional-Infection Detection through Semantic Inconsistency Search80.512016
Host of Troubles: Multiple Host Ambiguities in HTTP Implementations.60.492016
MAF-SAM: An effective method to perceive data plane threats of inter domain routing system.10.342016
Forwarding-Loop Attacks in Content Delivery Networks.70.492016
The Ever-Changing Labyrinth: A Large-Scale Analysis Of Wildcard Dns Powered Blackhat Seo50.442016
Cookies Lack Integrity: Real-World Implications120.612015
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