Rotman Research Institute of Baycrest Centre, Toronto, Canada and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Canada
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Interpretability, Reproducibility, and Replicability [From the Guest Editors]10.432022
Reproducibility in Matrix and Tensor Decompositions: Focus on model match, interpretability, and uniqueness00.342022
The structure of the serotonin system: A PET imaging study.10.432020
Optimization of preprocessing strategies in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) neuroimaging: A [ 11 C]DASB PET study.10.432019
Testing a deep convolutional neural network for automated hippocampus segmentation in a longitudinal sample of healthy participants.10.352019
Preprocessing, Prediction and Significance: Framework and Application to Brain Imaging00.342019
The CAMH Neuroinformatics Platform: A Hospital-Focused Brain-CODE Implementation.00.342018
Brain-CODE: A Secure Neuroinformatics Platform for Management, Federation, Sharing and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Neuroscience Data.30.402018
graynet: single-subject morphometric networks for neuroscience connectivity applications.00.342018
mrivis: Medical image visualization library for neuroscience in python.00.342018
The Impact of Preprocessing Pipeline Choice in Univariate and Multivariate Analyses of PET Data00.342018
BIDS apps: Improving ease of use, accessibility, and reproducibility of neuroimaging data analysis methods.130.912017
Python class defining a machine learning dataset ensuring key-based correspondence and maintaining integrity.00.342017
Histogram-weighted Networks for Feature Extraction, Connectivity and Advanced Analysis in Neuroscience.10.482017
Optimizing fMRI preprocessing pipelines for block-design tasks as a function of age.10.352017
The Associative Memory Deficit in Aging Is Related to Reduced Selectivity of Brain Activity during Encoding.10.372016
Introduction to the Issue on Advanced Signal Processing for Brain Networks.00.342016
The association between cerebrovascular reactivity and resting-state fMRI functional connectivity in healthy adults: The influence of basal carbon dioxide.50.442016
A Hybrid LDA+gCCA Model for fMRI Data Classification and Visualization.00.342015
Evaluation of spatio-temporal decomposition techniques for group analysis of fMRI resting state data sets.40.502014
Porting a neuro-imaging application to a CPU-GPU cluster00.342014
Pattern classification of fMRI data: Applications for analysis of spatially distributed cortical networks.70.642014
Visualization of Nonlinear Classification Models in Neuroimaging - Signed Sensitivity Maps.20.502012
Model sparsity and brain pattern interpretation of classification models in neuroimaging481.612012
Enhancing reproducibility of fMRI statistical maps using generalized canonical correlation analysis in NPAIRS framework.90.502012
PHYCAA: Data-driven measurement and removal of physiological noise in BOLD fMRI.110.542012
Dimensionality estimation for optimal detection of functional networks in BOLD fMRI data.201.172011
Data-driven optimization and evaluation of 2D EPI and 3D PRESTO for BOLD fMRI at 7 Tesla: I. Focal coverage.50.702011
The Npairs Computational Statistics Framework For Data Analysis In Neuroimaging140.682010
Comparing classification methods for longitudinal fMRI studies.120.742010
Group specific optimisation of fMRI processing steps for child and adult data.80.592010
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging231.212010
Generative versus discriminative training of RBMs for classification of fMRI images251.752008
A Java-based fMRI processing pipeline evaluation system for assessment of univariate general linear model and multivariate canonical variate analysis-based pipelines.40.472008
Evaluation and comparison of GLM- and CVA-based fMRI processing pipelines with Java-based fMRI processing pipeline evaluation system.20.532008
Bayesian Kernel Methods for Analysis of Functional Neuroimages.50.502007
Effect of Spatial Alignment Transformations in PCA and ICA of Functional Neuroimages10.372007
Mapping cerebral blood flow during speech production in hereditary ataxia.50.792006
Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo Signal Detection In Functional Neuroimaging Analysis00.342004
The effect of set on the resting state in functional imaging: a role for the striatum?40.712004
Predicting performance from functional imaging data: methods matter.81.752003
A developer's commentary on fiswidgets.00.342003
An evaluation of methods for detecting brain activations from functional neuroimages192.052002
The quantitative evaluation of functional neuroimaging experiments: the NPAIRS data analysis framework.9617.312002
Abnormal Functional Connectivity in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder31.112002
A spatially robust ICA algorithm for multiple fMRI data sets00.342002
An ICA algorithm for analyzing multiple data sets20.712002
A reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for analysis of functional neuroimages20.462002
Penalized Discriminant Analysis of [15O]-water PET Brain Images with Prediction Error Selection of Smoothness and Regularization00.342001
Enhancing The Multivariate Signal Of [O-15] Water Pet Studies With A New Nonlinear Neuroanatomical Registration Algorithm62.161999
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