Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Bioinformat, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
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An Integer Linear Programming Approach for Scaffolding Based on Exemplar Breakpoint Distance.00.342022
The Exact Multiple Pattern Matching Problem Solved By A Reference Tree Approach00.342021
Computing A Longest Common Almost-Increasing Subsequence Of Two Sequences00.342021
Clover: A Clustering-Oriented De Novo Assembler For Illumina Sequences00.342020
Two-string consensus problem under non-overlapping inversion and transposition distance.00.342018
CSAR-web: a web server of contig scaffolding using algebraic rearrangements.00.342018
CSAR: a contig scaffolding tool using algebraic rearrangements.10.362018
R3D-BLAST2: an improved search tool for similar RNA 3D substructures.00.342017
Multi-CAR: a tool of contig scaffolding using multiple references.00.342016
An efficient algorithm for one-sided block ordering problem under block-interchange distance.00.342016
iPARTS2: an improved tool for pairwise alignment of RNA tertiary structures, version 2.00.342016
An efficient algorithm for computing non-overlapping inversion and transposition distance.20.432016
An Efficient Algorithm for the Contig Ordering Problem under Algebraic Rearrangement Distance10.362015
A Systematical and Parallel Approach to Solve Problems Involving Special Properties of Bit-Vectors.00.342015
Prefix Block-Interchanges on Binary Strings.00.342014
CAR: contig assembly of prokaryotic draft genomes using rearrangements.100.482014
Approximate String Matching Problem under Non-Overlapping Inversion Distance.00.342014
An Efficient Algorithm for One-Sided Block Ordering Problem with Block-Interchange Distance.00.342013
Assembling contigs in draft genomes using reversals and block-interchanges.100.412013
A new filtration method and a hybrid strategy for approximate string matching.10.352013
R3D-BLAST: a search tool for similar RNA 3D substructures.50.462011
SoRT2: a tool for sorting genomes and reconstructing phylogenetic trees by reversals, generalized transpositions and translocations.60.482010
Reconstructing genome trees of prokaryotes using overlapping genes.100.372010
Sorting by reversals, generalized transpositions, and translocations using permutation groups.150.822010
iPARTS: an improved tool of pairwise alignment of RNA tertiary structures.150.852010
An improved algorithm for sorting by block-interchanges based on permutation groups30.412010
FASTR3D: a fast and accurate search tool for similar RNA 3D structures.90.712009
An improved algorithm for finding a length-constrained maximum-density subtree in a tree50.492008
SARSA: a web tool for structural alignment of RNA using a structural alphabet.231.062008
OGtree: a tool for creating genome trees of prokaryotes based on overlapping genes.30.442008
RE-MuSiC: a tool for multiple sequence alignment with regular expression constraints.130.672007
Constrained sequence alignment: A general model and the hardness results00.342007
Efficient algorithms for regular expression constrained sequence alignment60.452007
SPRING: a tool for the analysis of genome rearrangement using reversals and block-interchanges.91.012006
Analysis of circular genome rearrangement by fusions, fissions and block-interchanges161.292006
A memory-efficient algorithm for multiple sequence alignment with constraints130.622005
The approximability of the weighted Hamiltonian path completion problem on a tree20.412005
ROBIN: a tool for genome rearrangement of block-interchanges60.582005
A heuristic approach for detecting RNA H-type pseudoknots.60.452005
MuSiC: a tool for multiple sequence alignment with constraints170.862004
Efficient minus and signed domination in graphs10.372003
The full Steiner tree problem251.112003
On the full and bottleneck full Steiner tree problems170.932003
Constrained Multiple Sequence Alignment Tool Development Andits Application to Rnase Family Alignment50.682003
Perfect edge domination and efficient edge domination in graphs181.162002
Constrained multiple sequence alignment tool development and its application to RNase family alignment331.922002
Weighted efficient domination problem on some perfect graphs211.052002
The Full Steiner Tree Problem in Phylogeny50.432002
A New Measure of Edit Distance between Labeled Trees171.052001
An Approximate Algorithm for the Weighted Hamiltonian Path Completion Problem on a Tree20.372000
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