Centre for Information Security Research|School of Information Technology and Computer Science|University of Wollongong
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Functional Encryption for Pattern Matching with a Hidden String00.342022
Pattern Matching over Encrypted Data with a Short Ciphertext00.342021
Utilizing QR codes to verify the visual fidelity of image datasets for machine learning00.342021
P2DPI: Practical and Privacy-Preserving Deep Packet Inspection00.342021
Secure Computation of Shared Secrets and Its Applications00.342021
Identity-Based Unidirectional Proxy Re-encryption in Standard Model - A Lattice-Based Construction.00.342020
Identity-based Unidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption and Re-Signature in Standard Model: Lattice-based Constructions.00.342020
Inspecting TLS Anytime Anywhere: A New Approach to TLS Interception00.342020
Efficient Decentralized Random Commitment Key Generation For Mixnet Shuffle Proof00.342019
Ciphertext-Delegatable Cp-Abe For A Dynamic Credential: A Modular Approach10.352019
Generic Construction of Fair Exchange Scheme with Semi-Trusted Adjudicator.00.342019
A New Encoding Framework for Predicate Encryption with Non-linear Structures in Prime Order Groups.00.342019
Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Outsourced Partial Decryption for Hybrid Security Models in Edge Computing.00.342019
Guest Editorial: Security and Privacy for Contemporary Network Computing Environment.00.342019
Qr Code Watermarking For Digital Images00.342019
On the Security of a Privacy-Preserving Ranked Multi-Keyword Search Scheme.00.342019
Efficient Controlled Signature for a Large Network with Multi Security-level Setting.00.342019
Protecting the Visual Fidelity of Machine Learning Datasets Using QR Codes.00.342019
Subversion in Practice: How to Efficiently Undermine Signatures.10.402018
A privacy preserving and fine-grained access control scheme in DaaS based on efficient DSP re-encryption.00.342018
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Security and Privacy in Applications and Services for Future Internet of Things.10.362018
How to Protect ADS-B: Confidentiality Framework and Efficient Realization Based on Staged Identity-Based Encryption.50.432017
A New ADS-B Authentication Framework Based on Efficient Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature with Batch Verification.80.502017
Lightweight Security Protocol for ECG Bio-Sensors.20.402017
Video Games and Virtual Reality as Persuasive Technologies for Health Care: An Overview.00.342017
Efficient Generic Construction of CCA-Secure Identity-Based Encryption from Randomness Extraction.20.362016
Lightweight Encryption for Smart Home30.432016
Efficient Subversion Of Symmetric Encryption With Random Initialization Vector00.342016
Secure Communication in Civil Drones00.342015
Server-Aided Verification Signature with Privacy for Mobile Computing.00.342015
Making air traffic surveillance more reliable: a new authentication framework for automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) based on online/offline identity-based signature.40.502015
On the power consumption of cryptographic processors in civil microdrones00.342015
How to protect ADS-B: Confidentiality framework for future air traffic communication20.402015
Forward-Secure Identity-Based Signature: New Generic Constructions and Their Applications.30.422013
Stateful Public-Key Encryption Schemes Forward-Secure Against State Exposure00.342013
An Authentication Framework for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Based on Online/Offline Identity-Based Signature60.612013
An Efficient And Secure Service Discovery Protocol For Ubiquitous Computing Environments00.342012
Efficient Generic Construction of Forward-Secure Identity-Based Signature00.342012
Smart-frame: A flexible, scalable, and secure information management framework for smart grids00.342012
On shortening ciphertexts: new constructions for compact public key and stateful encryption schemes20.382011
Study on Secret Sharing Schemes (SSS) and their applications20.372011
An efficient and scalable re-authentication protocol over wireless sensor network50.522011
Survey on certificateless public key cryptography.20.382011
On the security of the identity-based encryption based on DHIES from ASIACCS 201020.392011
Compact identity-based encryption without strong symmetric cipher00.342011
Survey on computationally hard problems and their applications to cryptography.00.342011
The use of Boolean functions in stream ciphers.00.342011
A privacy-preserving secure service discovery protocol for ubiquitous computing environments50.482010
Authentication and key establishment in dynamic wireless sensor networks.140.632010
Efficient online/offline identity-based signature for wireless sensor network561.772010
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