University of Alicante, Spain, email: {abalahur,eboldrini,montoyo,patricio}
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Improving Sentiment Analysis over non-English Tweets using Multilingual Transformers and Automatic Translation for Data-Augmentation00.342020
IEST: WASSA-2018 Implicit Emotions Shared Task.10.372018
WWW'18 Open Challenge: Financial Opinion Mining and Question Answering.00.342018
Understanding human values and their emotional effect.00.342017
Detecting Implicit Expressions of Affect from Text using Semantic Knowledge on Common Concept Properties.00.342016
OPAL at SemEval-2016 Task 4: the Challenge of Porting a Sentiment Analysis System to the "Real" World.00.342016
Observing Trends in Automated Multilingual Media Analysis.10.362016
Sentiment Analysis - What are we talking about?10.352016
Sentiment analysis system adaptation for multilingual processing: The case of tweets.50.382015
Sentiment analysis meets social media – Challenges and solutions of the field in view of the current information sharing context100.472015
Comparative experiments using supervised learning and machine translation for multilingual sentiment analysis481.202014
Computational approaches to subjectivity and sentiment analysis: Present and envisaged methods and applications.30.402014
Challenges in Creating a Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Mining.00.342014
Resource Creation and Evaluation for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts.60.502014
Challenges in Creating a Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Mining00.342014
Improving Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Using Multilingual Machine Translated Data.110.512013
Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts.00.342013
OPTWIMA: Comparing Knowledge-rich and Knowledge-poor Approaches for Sentiment Analysis in Short Informal Texts10.352013
Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts80.582013
Exploiting Twitter for Border Security-Related Intelligence Gathering30.382013
Detecting Event-Related Links and Sentiments from Social Media Texts.20.472013
Sentiment Analysis in the News.511.792013
Detecting implicit expressions of affect in text using EmotiNet and its extensions.10.362013
Using EmotiBlog to annotate and analyse subjectivity in the new textual genres.60.392012
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis using Machine Translation?00.342012
Building and Exploiting EmotiNet, a Knowledge Base for Emotion Detection Based on the Appraisal Theory Model230.932012
Multilingual sentiment analysis using machine translation?291.242012
Affect Detection from Social Contexts Using Commonsense Knowledge Representations00.342012
Comparative Experiments for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Translation.00.342012
Detecting Entity-Related Events and Sentiments from Tweets Using Multilingual Resources.50.472012
Detecting implicit expressions of emotion in text: A comparative analysis250.802012
Extending the EmotiNet Knowledge Base to Improve the Automatic Detection of Implicitly Expressed Emotions from Text.00.342012
Towards a unified framework for opinion retrieval, mining and summarization.30.382012
Challenges and solutions in the opinion summarization of user-generated content70.432012
Subjectivity and sentiment analysis: An overview of the current state of the area and envisaged developments491.442012
Detecting emotions in social affective situations using the emotinet knowledge base30.392011
Towards a unified approach for opinion question answering and summarization40.412011
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (WASSA 2.011).00.342011
Detecting implicit expressions of sentiment in text based on commonsense knowledge160.642011
EmotiNet: a knowledge base for emotion detection in text built on the appraisal theories100.602011
A survey on the role of negation in sentiment analysis652.182010
Opinion Polarity Detection Using Word Sense Disambiguation To Determine The Polarity Of Opinions30.392010
Ibereval Om: Mining Opinions From The New Textual Genres00.342010
EmotiBlog: a fine-grained annotation schema for labelling subjectivity in the new-textual genres born with the Web
The OpAL System at NTCIR 8 MOAT50.552010
EmotiBlog: a finer-grained and more precise learning of subjectivity expression models110.762010
Saarland University Spoken Language Systems at the Slot Filling Task of TAC KBP 2010.00.342010
Going beyond traditional QA systems: challenges and keys in opinion question answering60.462010
OpAL: Applying opinion mining techniques for the disambiguation of sentiment ambiguous adjectives in SemEval-2 task 1830.472010
Opinion Question Answering: Towards a Unified Approach60.442010
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