Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
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Differentiable Inductive Logic Programming For Structured Examples00.342021
Using Binary Decision Diagrams to Enumerate Inductive Logic Programming Solutions.00.342018
Learning concepts and their unions from positive data with refinement operators00.342017
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Text by Selecting Linguistic Features00.342017
On the Sizes of Decision Diagrams Representing the Set of All Parse Trees of a Context-free Grammar.00.342017
Outlier detection using binary decision diagrams.20.372017
Inductive Logic Programming: Challenges.00.342016
Periodical Skeletonization For Partially Periodic Pattern Mining00.342015
Tree Pca For Extracting Dominant Substructures From Labeled Rooted Trees00.342015
Edit Operations on Lattices for MDL-based Pattern Summarization.00.342015
Formal Concept Analysis for Process Enhancement Based on a Pair of Perspectives.00.342014
Local Feature Selection by Formal Concept Analysis for Multi-class Classification.00.342014
A parameter-free approach for one-class classification using binary decision diagrams20.392014
Pattern Structures for Understanding Episode Patterns.10.372014
Semi-supervised learning on closed set lattices10.362013
Learning figures with the Hausdorff metric by fractals—towards computable binary classification10.392013
Efficient Mining Of Closed Tree Patterns From Large Tree Databases With Subtree Constraint10.362012
Privacy Preserving Using Dummy Data For Set Operations In Itemset Mining Implemented With Zdds00.342012
Mining of closed frequent subtrees from frequently updated databases30.422012
Learning families of closed sets in matroids30.422012
Learning from graph data by putting graphs on the lattice30.372012
Discovering Ligands for TRP Ion Channels Using Formal Concept Analysis.00.342011
Knowledge-leveraged Computational Thinking through Natural Language Processing and Statistical Logic (NII Shonan Meeting 2011-4).00.342011
A Fast and Flexible Clustering Algorithm Using Binary Discretization40.422011
The minimum code length for clustering using the gray code00.342011
Semi-supervised learning for mixed-type data via formal concept analysis00.342011
Latest Trends in Deburring Technology.00.342010
Semantics of a graphical model for representing hypotheses and a system supporting the management of hypotheses00.342010
The Coding Divergence for Measuring the Complexity of Separating Two Sets00.342010
Mind change complexity of inferring unbounded unions of restricted pattern languages from positive data40.502010
Frequent Closed Itemset Mining with Privacy Preserving for Distributed Databases10.372010
Incremental mining of closed frequent subtrees20.372010
Topological properties of concept spaces (full version)150.882010
The Coding Divergence for Measuring the Complexity of Separating Two Sets20.362010
Learning figures with the hausdorff metric by fractals10.342010
The sixth workshop on learning with logics and logics for learning (LLLL2009)00.342009
Learning from positive data based on the MINL strategy with refinement operators20.402009
Discovering the Structures of Open Source Programs from Their Developer Mailing Lists00.342009
Sigma^0_alpha - Admissible Representations (Extended Abstract)10.392009
Topological Properties of Concept Spaces70.592008
Kernel Functions Based on Derivation00.342008
Learning Bounded Unions of Noetherian Closed Set Systems Via Characteristic Sets10.362008
Finding Frequent Patterns from Compressed Tree-Structured Data10.352008
Learning semantic categories for 3D model retrieval201.002007
Computing characteristic sets of bounded unions of polynomial ideals20.402007
Data prefetching and address pre-calculation through instruction pre-execution with two-step physical register deallocation70.462007
Comparison of Dimension Reduction Methods for Database-Adaptive 3D Model Retrieval30.372007
An intentional kernel function for RNA classification10.362007
Mind change complexity of inferring unbounded unions of pattern languages from positive data60.652006
Hypothesis finding with proof theoretical appropriateness criteria00.342006
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