Acad Sinica, Inst Informat Sci, Taipei, Taiwan
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Correcting Chinese Spelling Errors with Word Lattice Decoding10.352015
Resolving the Representational Problems of Polarity and Interaction between Process and State Verbs.10.352014
Ambiguity Resolution for Vt-N Structures in Chinese.10.352014
Translating Chinese Unknown Words by Automatically Acquired Templates.00.342013
Introduction to CKIP Chinese Spelling Check System for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2013 Evaluation60.432013
Improving Chinese Parsing with Special-Case Probability Re-estimation10.352013
Keynote Speech: Lexical Semantics of Chinese Language00.342013
Lexical Representation and Classification of Eventive Verbs - Polarity and Interaction between Process and State00.342013
A Semantic-Based Approach to Noun-Noun Compound Interpretation.00.342013
TransAhead: a computer-assisted translation and writing tool00.342012
DOMCAT: a bilingual concordancer for domain-specific computer assisted translation00.342012
Transitivity of a Chinese Verb-Result Compound and Affected Argument of the Result Verb.00.342012
Improving PCFG Chinese Parsing with Context-Dependent Probability Re-estimation10.382012
Introduction to the Special Issue on Chinese Language Processing00.342011
動補結構的及物性及修飾對象 (Transitivity of a Chinese Verb-result Compound and Affected Argument of the Result Verb) [In Chinese].00.342011
E-HowNet and automatic construction of a lexical ontology40.442010
Acquiring translation equivalences of multiword expressions by normalized correlation frequencies40.542009
A Step toward Compositional Semantics: E-HowNet a Lexical Semantic Representation System.00.342009
Automatic Sense Derivation for Determinative-Measure Compounds under the Framework of E-HowNet30.462009
A gateway to the knowledge in Taiwan's digital archives00.342009
Modeling Taiwanese POS Tagging Using Statistical Methods and Mandarin Training Data.10.362009
Knowledge Representation and Sense Disambiguation for Interrogatives in E-HowNet.00.342008
利用統計方法及中文訓練資料處理台語文詞性標記 (Modeling Taiwanese POS tagging with statistical methods and Mandarin training data) [In Chinese].00.342008
Resolving Ambiguities of Chinese Conjunctive Structures by Divide-and-conquer Approaches.20.482008
A Semantic Composition Method for Deriving Sense Representations of Determinative-Measure Compounds in E-HowNet.00.342008
Improving Word Alignment by Adjusting Chinese Word Segmentation.80.622008
Knowledge Representation for Interrogatives in E-HowNet.00.342007
Improve Parsing Performance by Self-Learning.30.472006
Sense Extraction and Disambiguation for Chinese Words from Bilingual Terminology Bank10.372006
Improving Context Vector Models by Feature Clustering for Automatic Thesaurus Construction.00.342006
Predicting Prosody from Text10.402006
Semantic Representation And Composition For Unknown Compounds In E-Hownet10.432006
The Sinica Sense Management System: Design and Implementation100.992005
Chinese Sketch Engine and the Extraction of Grammatical Collocations10.372005
Linguistically-motivated grammar extraction, generalization and adaptation70.742005
A Probe into Ambiguities of Determinative-Measure Compounds.31.022005
Extended-HowNet- A Representational Framework for Concepts00.342005
利用雙語學術名詞庫抽取中英字詞互譯及詞義解歧 (Sense Extraction and Disambiguation for Chinese Words from Bilingual Terminology Bank) [In Chinese].00.342005
Feature Representations and Logical Compatibility between Temporal Adverbs and Aspects00.342005
Chinese treebanks and grammar extraction80.762004
語法規律的抽取及普遍化與精確化的研究 (Grammar Extraction, Generalization and Specialization) [In Chinese].00.342004
現代漢語複合動詞之詞首詞尾研究 (Compositional Semantics of Mandarin Affix Verbs) [In Chinese].00.342004
Predicting prosodic words from lexical words - a first step towards predicting prosody from text71.082004
Automatic Semantic Role Assignment for a Tree Structure151.232004
Design of CKIP Chinese Word Segmentation System100.922004
Generality’s price: Inescapable deficiencies in machine-learned programs10.352003
Reliable and Cost-Effective Pos-Tagging80.692003
A bottom-up merging algorithm for Chinese unknown word extraction422.742003
Introduction to CKIP Chinese word segmentation system for the first international Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff713.502003
Unknown word extraction for Chinese documents302.792002
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