School of Software, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China
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Continual learning classification method with single-label memory cells based on the intelligent mechanism of the biological immune system00.342022
Continual learning classification method with the weighted k-nearest neighbor rule for time-varying data space based on the artificial immune system00.342022
Automatic Integer Error Repair by Proper-Type Inference00.342021
Escape from escape analysis of Golang00.342020
Online Scheduling for Dynamic VM Migration in Multicast Time-Sensitive Networks10.352020
A Flattened-Priority Framework for Mixed-Criticality Systems00.342020
An Empirical Study on API-Misuse Bugs in Open-Source C Programs00.342019
Vetting API usages in C programs with IMChecker00.342019
An Enhanced Reconfiguration for Deterministic Transmission in Time-Triggered Networks30.402019
Go-Sanitizer: Bug-Oriented Assertion Generation for Golang00.342019
Ares: inferring error specifications through static analysis00.342019
TsmartGP: a tool for finding memory defects with pointer analysis00.342019
IMSpec: An Extensible Approach to Exploring the Incorrect Usage of APIs00.342019
Go-clone: graph-embedding based clone detector for Golang00.342019
Dependable Model-driven Development of CPS: From Stateflow Simulation to Verified Implementation.30.392019
Api Misuse Detection In C Programs: Practice On Ssl Apis00.342019
Tolerating C Integer Error via Precision Elevation.00.342019
Work-in-Progress: A Flattened Priority Framework for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems00.342018
Parallelizing SMT solving: Lazy decomposition and conciliation.00.342018
Model-based adaptation to extreme physical environments: a case study on mixed-criticality industrial ethernet.00.342018
Managing concurrent testing of data race with ComRaDe.00.342018
Energy-Efficient Automatic Train Driving by Learning Driving Patterns.00.342018
Temporal Coverage Analysis for Dynamic Verification.00.342018
BIMTag: Concept-based automatic semantic annotation of online BIM product resources70.472017
Verification of Implementations of Cryptographic Hash Functions.00.342017
Human experience knowledge induction based intelligent train driving00.342017
Path compression kd-trees with multi-layer parallel construction a case study on ray tracing.10.342017
IntPTI: automatic integer error repair with proper-type inference.10.352017
A static analysis tool with optimizations for reachability determination.00.342017
Vertex-Weighted Hypergraph Learning for Multi-View Object Classification.40.402017
Formal Modeling and Verification of a Rate-Monotonic Scheduling Implementation with Real-Time Maude.20.372017
Stochastic optimization of program obfuscation.90.482017
Assertion Recommendation for Formal Program Verification50.462017
Verifying simulink stateflow model: timed automata approach.80.502016
Taming Interrupts for Verifying Industrial Multifunction Vehicle Bus Controllers.10.352016
Plc Programs' Checking Method And Strategy Based On Module State Transfer00.342015
First, Debug the Test Oracle10.342015
Design of Mixed Synchronous/Asynchronous Systems with Multiple Clocks231.122015
A bias-scalable current-mode analog support vector machine based on margin propagation00.342014
Reliability Analysis for a Data Flow in Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks60.432014
Modeling a Heterogeneous Embedded System in Coloured Petri Nets.10.432014
Array Theory of Bounded Elements and its Applications40.432014
Symbolic Analysis of Programmable Logic Controllers30.392014
DOPROPC: a domain property pattern system helping to specify control system requirements (S).00.342013
Exponential-Condition-Based barrier certificate generation for safety verification of hybrid systems160.922013
Formal component-based modeling and synthesis for PLC systems30.402013
Reusing Search Tree for Incremental SAT Solving of Temporal Induction00.342013
Optimizing the SAT Decision Ordering of Bounded Model Checking by Structural Information20.422013
Probabilistic analysis of system outage in distributed antenna systems with composite channels.100.382013
Research on Automatic Assessment of Transferable Skills.00.342013
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