Peking Univ, Sch Elect Engn & Comp Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
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Rate Distortion Characteristic Modeling for Neural Image Compression00.342022
MAU: A Motion-Aware Unit for Video Prediction and Beyond.00.342021
Post-Training Quantization for Vision Transformer.00.342021
Fine-Granularity Ownership Identification Of Multimedia Content Components: A Mechanism For Smart Media Streaming00.342019
Deep Reconstruction of Least Significant Bits for Bit-Depth Expansion40.402019
Global-Local Temporal Representations For Video Person Re-Identification70.402019
Compressed Image Restoration via External-Image Assisted Band Adaptive PCA Model Learning00.342018
Enhanced Ctu-Level Inter Prediction with Deep Frame Rate Up-Conversion for High Efficiency Video Coding10.362018
Neural Network Based Inter Prediction for HEVC.20.362018
Region-Aware Reflection Removal With Unified Content and Gradient Priors.30.392018
Parallax-Robust hexahedral panoramic video stitching00.342017
Internal Generative Mechanism Inspired Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment With Entropy Of Primitive00.342017
ODD: An Algorithm of Online Directional Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation.00.342017
Beyond Monte Carlo Tree Search: Playing Go with Deep Alternative Neural Network and Long-Term Evaluation.00.342017
Sparsity-Promoting Adaptive Coding with Robust Empirical Mode Decomposition for Image Restoration.00.342017
Wireless image and video soft transmission via perception-inspired power distortion optimization10.372017
Blind restoration for non-uniform aerial images using non-local Retinex model and shearlet-based higher-order regularization.00.342017
The MPEG Internet Video-Coding Standard [Standards in a Nutshell]00.342016
Compressive-sensed image coding via stripe-based DPCM00.342016
Frame interpolation with pixel-level motion vector field and mesh based hole filling00.342016
Maximal Sparsity with Deep Networks?240.822016
Quality-progressive coding for high bit-rate background frames on surveillance videos00.342015
Cloud Based Image Contrast Enhancement20.382015
Model-based low bit-rate video coding for resource-deficient wireless visual communication10.362015
High accuracy sub-pixel image registration under noisy condition00.342015
Video Compression Artifact Reduction Via Spatio-Temporal Multi-Hypothesis Prediction140.642015
Gradient based image/video softcast with grouped-patch collaborative reconstruction40.512014
Multi-level low-complexity coefficient discarding scheme for video encoder10.362014
Low-delay window-based rate control scheme for video quality optimization in video encoder10.352014
Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Entropy Of Primitives110.602013
A highly efficient external memory interface architecture for AVS HD video encoder.00.342013
Dynamic Mb-Level Scheduling For Parallel Video Coding00.342013
A Method of Perceptual-Based Shape Decomposition80.502013
Mode Dependent Coding Tools for Video Coding40.462013
A spatial inter-view auto-regressive super-resolution scheme for multi-view image via scene matching algorithm00.342013
Social Image Tagging by Mining Sparse Tag Patterns from Auxiliary Data10.342012
Spatio-temporal ssim index for video quality assessment20.382012
Learning multiple codebooks for low bit rate mobile visual search.60.452012
Web image interpolation via weighted total least squares regression00.342012
Instantly telling what happens in a video sequence using simple features80.572011
Objectbook Construction For Large-Scale Semantic-Aware Image Retrieval10.362011
Window-level rate control for smooth picture quality and smooth buffer occupancy.210.802011
Image interpolation via regularized local linear regression.551.992011
Side information extrapolation with temporal and spatial consistency10.342011
Boosted Sigma Set for Pedestrian Detection00.342010
Template Based Illumination Compensation Algorithm For Multiview Video Coding20.372010
Salient object extraction for user-targeted video content association.00.342010
An epipolar resticted inter-mode selection for stereoscopic video encoding.30.482010
Spatial-temporal granularity-tunable gradients partition (STGGP) descriptors for human detection60.772010
Pornographic Image Detection Based On Multilevel Representation40.452009
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