College of Computer Science and Technology, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China 361021
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Optimization of Time–Frequency Resource Management Based on Probabilistic Graphical Models in Railway Internet-of-Things Networking10.342021
Uncertainty Estimation and Calibration with Finite-State Probabilistic RNNs00.342021
Combined Transfer Learning and Test-Time Augmentation Improves Convolutional Neural Network-Based Semantic Segmentation of Prostate Cancer from Multi-Parametric MR Images00.342021
BLOCK-DBSCAN: Fast clustering for large scale data20.382021
Uranus: Simple, Efficient SGX Programming and its Applications10.342020
Spectrum Management in High-Speed Railway Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network Based on Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning.00.342020
A Visual Slam-Based Bronchoscope Tracking Scheme For Bronchoscopic Navigation00.342020
Automatic Dialogue System Of Marriage Law Based On The Parallel C4.5 Decision Tree00.342020
Passenger Flow Forecast of Rail Station Based on Multi-Source Data and Long Short Term Memory Network00.342020
An Online And Real-Time Adaptive Operational Modal Parameter Identification Method Based On Fog Computing In Internet Of Things00.342020
HAMS: High Availability for Distributed Machine Learning Service Graphs00.342020
PopFlow: a novel flow management scheme for SDN switch of multiple flow tables based on flow popularity00.342020
A Gpu-Based Automatic Approach For Guide Wire Tracking In Fluoroscopic Sequences00.342019
Visual SLAM for bronchoscope tracking and bronchus reconstruction in bronchoscopic navigation.00.342019
Towards Personalized Management of Type B Aortic Dissection Using STENT: a STandard cta database with annotation of the ENtire aorta and True-false lumen.00.342019
Fulva: Efficient Live Migration for In-Memory Key-Value Stores with Zero Downtime00.342019
Model-free prostate cancer segmentation from dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with recurrent convolutional networks: A feasibility study.00.342019
State-Regularized Recurrent Neural Networks.00.342019
A novel robotic system for vascular intervention: principles, performances, and applications.10.402019
Limited Memory Eigenvector Recursive Principal Component Analysis in Sensor-Cloud Based Adaptive Operational Modal Online Identification.00.342019
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Strictly Noncircular Signal by Maximum Likelihood Based on Moving Array00.342019
Cooperative Learning for Spectrum Management in Railway Cognitive Radio Network10.342019
Relaxation oscillations in a slow-fast modified Leslie-Gower model.00.342019
An Entropy Regularization -Means Algorithm with a New Measure of between-Cluster Distance in Subspace Clustering.10.352019
Parallel naïve Bayes regression model-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm and its realisation on Hadoop for big data.00.342019
Aitken-Based Stochastic Gradient Algorithm for ARX Models with Time Delay10.352019
Entry Aggregation and Early Match Using Hidden Markov Model of Flow Table in SDN.10.352019
Pulmonary Image Classification Based On Inception-V3 Transfer Learning Model20.372019
Similarity Measure Based on Incremental Warping Window for Time Series Data Mining.00.342019
The Model Experimental Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Interventional Surgery Robot System00.342018
Plover: Fast, Multi-Core Scalable Virtual Machine Fault-Tolerance10.342018
Optimal appointment reminder sending strategy for a single service scenario with customer no-show behaviour.00.342018
Using Mobile Nodes to Control Rumors in Big Data Based on a New Rumor Propagation Model in Vehicular Social Networks.00.342018
Generating Synthetic Social Graphs with Darwini.00.342018
Research for a Master-Slave Cerebrovascular Interventional Robotic System00.342018
A Joint Space-Time Array for Communication Signals-Based on a Moving Platform and Performance Analysis.00.342018
LRMM: Learning to Recommend with Missing Modalities.00.342018
Towards Automatic Measurement of Type B Aortic Dissection Parameters: Methods, Applications and Perspective.00.342018
Replay Attack: A Prevalent Pattern of Fraudulent Online Transactions00.342018
An Original Neural Network For Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis In Radiographs00.342018
Supporting Node Connectivity with Dixon's Test for ZigBee-based WSN.00.342018
Sampling Based Histogram PCA and Its Mapreduce Parallel Implementation on Multicore.00.342018
Multi-Task Deep Convolutional Neural Network for the Segmentation of Type B Aortic Dissection.10.372018
The line- and block-like structures extraction via ingenious snake.10.352018
Feedback beamforming technique for receiving multipath coherent signals.00.342018
Stability Loss Delay and Smoothness of the Return Map in Slow-Fast Systems.10.432018
Coefficient-based lq-regularized regression with indefinite kernels and unbounded sampling.00.342018
Power Allocation and Performance Analysis of Cooperative Spatial Modulation in Wireless Relay Networks.10.352018
Reliability-aware low energy scheduling in real time systems with shared resources.40.432017
High accuracy extend Kalman filter for posture measurement based on attitude and heading reference system00.342017
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