City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Comp Sci, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Towards improving fast adversarial training in multi-exit network00.342022
Fuzzy Monotonic <italic>K</italic>-Nearest Neighbor Versus Monotonic Fuzzy <italic>K</italic>-Nearest Neighbor10.352022
No-reference image quality assessment for contrast-changed images via a semi-supervised robust PCA model00.342021
Bayesian network based label correlation analysis for multi-label classifier chain00.342021
Positive and Negative Label-Driven Nonnegative Matrix Factorization30.372021
Joint Optimization for Pairwise Constraint Propagation.20.372021
Active k-labelsets ensemble for multi-label classification20.362021
Set Theory-Based Operator Design in Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Knapsack Problems00.342021
An analysis on the relationship between uncertainty and misclassification rate of classifiers.00.342020
Deep Joint Neural Model for Single Image Haze Removal and Color Correction10.352020
Applying Exponential Family Distribution to Generalized Extreme Learning Machine10.352020
Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based Kernel Poisson Regression.50.402019
iMCRec: A multi-criteria framework for personalized point-of-interest recommendations.20.362019
Noniterative Deep Learning: Incorporating Restricted Boltzmann Machine Into Multilayer Random Weight Neural Networks280.742019
An improved fuzzy ARTMAP and Q-learning agent model for pattern classification.30.372019
An off-center technique: Learning a feature transformation to improve the performance of clustering and classification.00.342019
Feature Selection for Data Classification based on Binary Brain Storm Optimization00.342019
Editorial: Affective and sentimental computing.00.342019
Multi-criteria decision making based architecture selection for single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks10.352019
Mutual Information Based K-Labelsets Ensemble for Multi-Label Classification20.352018
Discovering the impact of hidden layer parameters on non-iterative training of feed-forward neural networks.00.342018
TaxiRec: recommending road clusters to taxi drivers using ranking-based extreme learning machines.100.502018
Discovering the Relationship Between Generalization and Uncertainty by Incorporating Complexity of Classification.330.692018
Incorporating Diversity and Informativeness in Multiple-Instance Active Learning.300.632017
Binary and Multi-Class Learning Based Low Complexity Optimization for HEVC Encoding.110.552017
Ambiguity-Based Multiclass Active Learning70.442016
Empirical analysis: stock market prediction via extreme learning machine.120.622016
Exploring cell tower data dumps for supervised learning-based point-of-interest prediction (industrial paper)10.352016
Two-Level Stable Matching-Based Selection In Moea/D60.432015
Class-specific soft voting based multiple extreme learning machines ensemble.100.532015
Active Learning Based On Single-Hidden Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network00.342015
Interval extreme learning machine for big data based on uncertainty reduction.40.392015
Exploring cell tower data dumps for supervised learning-based point-of-interest prediction20.392014
A new approach to classifier fusion based on upper integral.260.702014
Bayesian classifiers based on probability density estimation and their applications to simultaneous fault diagnosis130.642014
Stable Matching-Based Selection in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization881.592014
Using multi-criteria decision making for personalized point-of-interest recommendations80.472014
Fuzzy-Rough-Set-Based Active Learning120.532014
AN indicator-based selection multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with preference for multi-class ensemble00.342014
Active learning with multi-criteria decision making systems.110.542014
Learning paradigm based on jumping genes: A general framework for enhancing exploration in evolutionary multiobjective optimization250.792013
A vector-valued support vector machine model for multiclass problem110.542013
Fuzzy rough sets based uncertainty measuring for stream based active learning10.362012
A study on random weights between input and hidden layers in extreme learning machine140.632012
A noise-detection based AdaBoost algorithm for mislabeled data250.822012
Multi-objective differential evolution with self-navigation70.522012
Inconsistency-based active learning for support vector machines150.582012
A weighted voting method using minimum square error based on Extreme Learning Machine30.372012
A new method for multi-class support vector machines by training least number of classifiers00.342011
Active learning based on support vector machines10.352010
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