Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Automat, Key Lab Complex Syst & Intelligence Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China
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SurgiNet: Pyramid Attention Aggregation and Class-wise Self-Distillation for Surgical Instrument Segmentation00.342022
Removing Feasibility Conditions on Adaptive Neural Tracking Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems With Time-Varying Powers, Input, and Full-State Constraints00.342022
Neural Correlates of Single-Task Versus Cognitive-Motor Dual-Task Training00.342022
A Dual-Stream Architecture for Real-Time Morphological Analysis of Aneurysm in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery00.342022
A Control Framework for Adaptation of Training Task and Robotic Assistance for Promoting Motor Learning With an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot00.342022
TR-GAN: Multi-Session Future MRI Prediction With Temporal Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network00.342022
Machine Learning for Structure Determination in Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy: A Systematic Review00.342022
Target Tracking Control of a Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle Through Deep Reinforcement Learning00.342022
Space Squeeze Reasoning and Low-Rank Bilinear Feature Fusion for Surgical Image Segmentation10.352022
Automated Localization of Myocardial Infarction of Image-Based Multilead ECG Tensor With Tucker2 Decomposition00.342022
A Multilayer and Multimodal-Fusion Architecture for Simultaneous Recognition of Endovascular Manipulations and Assessment of Technical Skills00.342022
Finite-Time Observer-Based Variable Impedance Control of Cable-Driven Continuum Manipulators00.342022
DFR-Net: A Novel Multi-Task Learning Network for Real-Time Multi-Instrument Segmentation00.342021
Vessel Width Estimation via Convolutional Regression00.342021
Stability-Guaranteed Variable Impedance Control of Robots Based on Approximate Dynamic Inversion20.372021
Novel Sliding-Mode Disturbance Observer-Based Tracking Control With Applications To Robot Manipulators00.342021
A Rapid Spiking Neural Network Approach With an Application on Hand Gesture Recognition30.372021
Automated Silicon-Substrate Ultra-Microtome for Automating the Collection of Brain Sections in Array Tomography00.342021
Localization Of Myocardial Infarction With Multi-Lead Ecg Based On Densenet00.342021
CNN-LSTM Network Based Prediction of Human Joint Angles Using Multi-Band SEMG and Historical Angles00.342021
A multi-dimensional association information analysis approach to automated detection and localization of myocardial infarction10.352021
GPR and SPSO-CG based gait pattern generation for subject-specific training00.342021
CAU-net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Coronary Artery Segmentation in Digital Substraction Angiography.00.342020
Exponential Finite-Time Consensus of Fractional-Order Multiagent Systems60.412020
Faster Person Re-identification80.442020
3-D Gaze-Estimation Method Using a Multi-Camera-Multi-Light-Source System00.342020
Learning Regional Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Motion Intention Recognition Based on EEG Data00.342020
Position Based Impedance Control Strategy For A Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot00.342019
Multi-lead model-based ECG signal denoising by guided filter.10.352019
An operating smooth man–machine collaboration method for cataract capsulorhexis using virtual fixture00.342019
Path Planning For Surgery Robot With Bidirectional Continuous Tree Search And Neural Network00.342019
Rgb-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification Via Joint Pixel And Feature Alignment120.472019
A Two-Stage Framework for Real-Time Guidewire Endpoint Localization00.342019
Applying maximally stable extremal regions and local binary patterns for guide-wire detecting in percutaneous coronary intervention10.352019
Towards Enhancement of Patients' Engagement: Online Modification of Rehabilitation Training Modes Using Facial Expression and Muscle Fatigue.00.342018
Deep Belief Networks for EEG-Based Concealed Information Test.00.342017
3d Tracker-Level Fusion For Robust Rgb-D Tracking00.342017
ECG signal enhancement based on improved denoising auto-encoder.170.942016
Evolving spatio-temporal data machines based on the NeuCube neuromorphic framework: Design methodology and selected applications.361.172016
Preliminary study on Wilcoxon-norm-based robust extreme learning machine.00.342016
Toward Patients' Motion Intention Recognition: Dynamics Modeling and Identification of iLeg - An LLRR Under Motion Constraints.30.412016
Neural network based FastSLAM for autonomous robots in unknown environments40.402015
Seeking Consensus in Networks of Linear Agents: Communication Noises and Markovian Switching Topologies421.102015
An sEMG-driven musculoskeletal model of shoulder and elbow based on neural networks00.342015
An RBF-based neuro-adaptive control scheme to drive a lower limb rehabilitation robot00.342015
An inversion-free model predictive control with error compensation for piezoelectric actuators10.362015
Improved predictive personalized modelling with the use of Spiking Neural Network system and a case study on stroke occurrences data30.442014
EEG-based classification of upper-limb ADL using SNN for active robotic rehabilitation20.452014
3D interactive virtual environments for minimally invasive vascular surgery00.342014
Evolving spiking neural networks for personalised modelling, classification and prediction of spatio-temporal patterns with a case study on stroke411.542014
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