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PointALCR: adversarial latent GAN and contrastive regularization for point cloud completion00.342022
ScatterNet: Point Cloud Learning via Scatters00.342022
Feature Generation and Hypothesis Verification for Reliable Face Anti-spoofing.00.342022
Spoof Face Detection Via Semi-Supervised Adversarial Training00.342022
Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning30.372022
Low Rank Matrix Approximation for 3D Geometry Filtering20.362022
Rethinking Efficient Lane Detection via Curve Modeling00.342022
Salient Object Detection Based on Multiscale Segmentation and Fuzzy Broad Learning00.342022
Unconstrained Facial Action Unit Detection via Latent Feature Domain00.342022
Generative Domain Adaptation for Face Anti-Spoofing.00.342022
Optimization over Disentangled Encoding: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Point Cloud Completion via Occlusion Factor Manipulation.00.342022
LAKe-Net: Topology-Aware Point Cloud Completion by Localizing Aligned Keypoints.00.342022
HybridCR: Weakly-Supervised 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Hybrid Contrastive Regularization00.342022
DMT: Dynamic mutual training for semi-supervised learning.00.342022
Attribute-aware interpretation learning for thyroid ultrasound diagnosis00.342022
ISDNet: Integrating Shallow and Deep Networks for Efficient Ultra-high Resolution Segmentation00.342022
Not All Pixels Are Matched: Dense Contrastive Learning for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification00.342022
End-to-End Video Object Detection with Spatial-Temporal Transformers10.352021
Omni-supervised Point Cloud Segmentation via Gradual Receptive Field Component Reasoning00.342021
Learn from Concepts - Towards the Purified Memory for Few-shot Learning.00.342021
Robust Kernelized Multiview Self-Representation for Subspace Clustering60.392021
EGGAN: Learning Latent Space for Fine-Grained Expression Manipulation00.342021
Adaptive Normalized Representation Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-Spoofing00.342021
Novelty Detection via Contrastive Learning with Negative Data Augmentation.00.342021
Both Comparison and Induction are Indispensable for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning.00.342021
CPSAM - Channel and Position Squeeze Attention Module.00.342021
Boundary-Aware Geometric Encoding For Semantic Segmentation Of Point Clouds00.342021
Face Manipulation Detection via Auxiliary Supervision.10.352020
NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing30.372020
Salient-points-guided face alignment20.392019
MCCH: A novel convex hull prior based solution for saliency detection.10.352019
Saliency Detection via Multi-Scale Global Cues00.342019
Feedback Cascade Regression Model for Face Alignment00.342019
Learning The Spiral Sharing Network With Minimum Salient Region Regression For Saliency Detection00.342019
Saliency Detection by Deep Network with Boundary Refinement and Global Context00.342018
PRIN: Pointwise Rotation-Invariant Network.10.352018
MSGC: A New Bottom-Up Model for Salient Object Detection00.342018
Deep attention-guided fusion network for lesion segmentation.00.342018
Floor-Ladder Framework for Human Face Beautification.00.342017
Global Tone: using tone to draw in Pen-and-Ink illustration.20.352017
Supervised Two-Step Hash Learning for Efficient Image Retrieval00.342017
Intrinsic image estimation using near-L0 sparse optimization.00.342017
HCI Based on Gesture Recognition in an Augmented Reality System for Diagnosis Planning and Training.00.342017
Multi-Scale Video Frame-Synthesis Network with Transitive Consistency Loss.10.352017
Photographic Appearance Enhancement via Detail-Based Dictionary Learning.10.352017
Topological analysis for 3D real, symmetric second-order tensor fields using Deviatoric Eigenvalue Wheel00.342016
Eigen-Aging Reference Coding For Cross-Age Face Verification And Retrieval00.342016
Foreground Object Sensing for Saliency Detection.10.372016
Accurate gaze tracking from single camera using gabor corner detector20.422016
Illumination invariant mesh coloring.00.342016
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