Vanderbilt Univ, Inst Imaging Sci, 221 Kirkland Hall, Nashville, TN 37232 USA
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Detection of functional activity in brain white matter using fiber architecture informed synchrony mapping00.342022
Dynamic variations of resting-state BOLD signal spectra in white matter00.342022
Functional Parcellation of Human Brain Using Localized Topo-Connectivity Mapping00.342022
A Riemannian Framework For Detecting Stimulus-Relevant Fiber Pathways00.342020
Functional Engagement of White Matter in Resting-state Brain Networks.50.402020
Detection of functional networks within white matter using independent component analysis00.342020
Progressive degeneration of white matter functional connectivity in Alzheimer's disease.00.342019
Resting-state white matter-cortical connectivity in non-human primate brain.20.392019
Functional Informed Fiber Tracking Using Combination of Diffusion and Functional MRI.00.342019
Voxel-wise detection of functional networks in white matter.30.402018
Comparison of Multi-Fiber Reproducibility of PAS-MRI and Q-ball With Empirical Multiple b-Value HARDI.00.342017
Effects of b-Value and Number of Gradient Directions on Diffusion MRI Measures Obtained with Q-ball Imaging.00.342017
A Bayesian Double Fusion Model for Resting-State Brain Connectivity Using Joint Functional and Structural Data.10.352017
Functional connectivity and activity of white matter in somatosensory pathways under tactile stimulations.50.482017
A 3D high resolution ex vivo white matter atlas of the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) based on diffusion tensor imaging.10.362016
The effect of temperature and magnetic field on a quantum rod qubit00.342013
The Approach to Steady State Using Homogeneous and Cartesian Coordinates.00.342013
Functional Networks In Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy: A Voxel-Wise Study Of Resting-State Functional Connectivity And Gray-Matter Concentration20.492013
Elastic geodesic paths in shape space of parameterized surfaces.361.132012
A novel framework for metric-based image registration40.422012
Parameterization-Invariant Shape Comparisons of Anatomical Surfaces240.992011
Classification of mathematics deficiency using shape and scale analysis of 3D brain structures00.342011
Parameterization-invariant shape statistics and probabilistic classification of anatomical surfaces.180.832011
A level set method for image segmentation in the presence of intensity inhomogeneities with application to MRI.2766.552011
A novel riemannian framework for shape analysis of 3D objects311.202010
Corrigendum to “Cerebral morphology and dopamine D2/D3 receptor distribution in humans: A combined [18F]fallypride and voxel-based morphometry study” [NeuroImage 46 (2009) 31–38]00.342009
Cerebral morphology and dopamine D2/D3 receptor distribution in humans: A combined [18F]fallypride and voxel-based morphometry study.50.722009
Unified bundling and registration of brain white matter fibers.30.392009
FibertoBundle Registration of White Matter Tracts00.342009
A variational level set approach to segmentation and bias correction of images with intensity inhomogeneity.361.342008
Minimization of region-scalable fitting energy for image segmentation.51015.472008
Implicit Active Contours Driven By Local Binary Fitting Energy2708.782007
Shape analysis of open curves in R3with applications to study of fiber tracts in DT-MRI data10.362007
Diffusion Tensor Image Smoothing Using Efficient and Effective Anisotropic Filtering10.372007
Unified framework for anisotropic interpolation and smoothing of diffusion tensor images.60.592006
Improved fiber tractography with Bayesian tensor regularization.70.672006
Visualization of neuronal fiber connections from DT-MRI with global optimization60.592005
Maximum-Likelihood estimation of biological growth variables20.402005
Case study: reconstruction, visualization and quantification of neuronal fiber pathways91.572001
Visualization of plant growth10.391997