Virginia Tech, Dept Comp Sci, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
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HSG-CDM: A Heterogeneous Service Graph Contextual Deep Model for Web Service Classification00.342022
Deep Reinforced Attention Regression for Partial Sketch Based Image Retrieval00.342021
A Bayesian Learning Model for Design-Phase Service Mashup Popularity Prediction00.342020
Why is Developing Machine Learning Applications Challenging? A Study on Stack Overflow Posts20.362019
Integrating Multi-level Tag Recommendation with External Knowledge Bases for Automatic Question Answering00.342019
A Web service search engine for large-scale Web service discovery based on the probabilistic topic modeling and clustering.30.382018
Log sequence clustering for workflow mining in multi-workflow systems.00.342018
Correlation-Aware Multi-Label Active Learning for Web Service Tag Recommendation50.492017
A service computing manifesto: the next 10 years.491.482017
Recommending Services for New Mashups through Service Factors and Top-K Neighbors50.432017
Statistical Learning of Domain-Specific Quality-of-Service Features from User Reviews.10.352017
A Testbed for Collecting QoS Data of Cloud-Based Analytic Services00.342016
Data-Dependent QoS-Based Service Selection.30.432016
Towards Early Dementia Detection: Fusing Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Clinical Data.00.342016
An LDA-SVM Active Learning Framework for Web Service Classification150.682016
Efficient agglomerative hierarchical clustering.341.102015
Incorporating User, Topic, and Service Related Latent Factors into Web Service Recommendation180.702015
Personalized Decision-Strategy based Web Service Selectionusing a Learning-to-Rank Algorithm70.532015
Extracting, Ranking, and Evaluating Quality Features of Web Services through User Review Sentiment Analysis40.442015
Aggregating Functionality, Use History, and Popularity of APIs to Recommend Mashup Creation.70.512015
End-to-end QoS mapping and aggregation for selecting cloud services30.422014
Optimizing Concurrency Performance Of Complex Services In Mobile Environment00.342014
Teaching service-oriented programming to CS and SE undergraduate students (abstract only)00.342014
Ev-LCS: A System for the Evolution of Long-Term Composed Services150.712013
Teaching Service-Oriented Programming to CS and SE undergraduate students00.342013
Learning Workflow Models from Event Logs Using Co-clustering20.382013
Applications of machine learning in genomics and systems biology.00.342013
An Efficient Interaction Framework for Mobile Web Services.00.342013
Incorporating Service-Oriented Programming techniques into undergraduate CS and SE curricula00.342013
Incorporating User Behavior Patterns to Discover Workflow Models from Event Logs30.392013
Collaboration visualization on large dataset for protein-protein interaction network00.342012
An Integrated Framework For Web Service Ontology Development00.342012
Automatic Abstract Service Generation from Web Service Communities80.562012
Automating Reusable Workflow Development from Design to Instantiation20.372012
Constrained co-clustering with non-negative matrix factorisation00.342012
Constructing Operation-Level Ontologies for Web Services30.452011
Efficient change management in long-term composed services150.792011
Service-Centric Framework for a Digital Government Application60.512011
Semantic-Based Access to Composite Mobile Services00.342011
Efficiently Using Matrix in Mining Maximum Frequent Itemset20.422010
End-to-End Service Support for Mashups90.492010
VDictionary: automatically generate visual dictionary via wikimedias00.342010
Scattered Points Denoising of TC-Bézier Surface Fitting00.342010
Semantic Support for Adaptive Long Term Composed Services90.622010
Low-Rank matrix factorization and co-clustering algorithms for analyzing large data sets20.382010
Peptide Sequence Tag-Based Blind Identification-based SVM Model00.342010
Research on k-means Clustering Algorithm: An Improved k-means Clustering Algorithm472.672010
Trigonometric polynomial uniform B-spline surface with shape parameter10.352009
Efficient Access to Composite M-services10.362009
Deploying and managing Web services: issues, solutions, and directions1615.772008
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