Language Computer Corporation, Richardson, Texas
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Automatic detection of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation with graph link prediction00.342021
The Language of Brain Signals - Natural Language Processing of Electroencephalography Reports.00.342020
HLTRI at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3 - COVID-19 Event Extraction from Twitter Using Multi-Task Hopfield Pooling.00.342020
The Role of a Deep-Learning Method for Negation Detection in Patient Cohort Identification from Electroencephalography Reports.10.352018
Knowledge Representations and Inference Techniques for Medical Question Answering.30.362018
A Data-driven Method for the Early Identification of Diabetes and Prediabetes.00.342017
UTD HLTRI at TREC 2017: Complex Answer Retrieval Track.10.352017
Deep Learning Meets Biomedical Ontologies: Knowledge Embeddings for Epilepsy.00.342017
An Evaluation of Syntactic Dependency Parsers on Clinical Data.00.342017
UTD HLTRI at TREC 2017: Precision Medicine Track.00.342017
Inferring Clinical Correlations from EEG Reports with Deep Neural Learning.00.342017
Active Deep Learning-Based Annotation of Electroencephalography Reports for Cohort Identification.00.342017
Multi-modal Patient Cohort Identification from EEG Report and Signal Data.00.342016
Embedding Open-domain Common-sense Knowledge from Text.00.342016
The Role of Semantic and Discourse Information in Learning the Structure of Surgical Procedures.00.342015
A Predictive Chronological Model of Multiple Clinical Observations.00.342015
Clinical Data-Driven Probabilistic Graph Processing.30.402014
Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution.30.402014
UTD at TREC 2014: Query Expansion for Clinical Decision Support.10.362014
A flexible framework for recognizing events, temporal expressions, and temporal relations in clinical text.110.622013
Graphical Induction of Qualified Medical Knowledge.20.362013
Automatic Generation of a Qualified Medical Knowledge Graph and Its Usage for Retrieving Patient Cohorts from Electronic Medical Records40.442013
The Impact Of Belief Values On The Identification Of Patient Cohorts50.492013
Recognizing Spatial Containment Relations between Event Mentions70.472013
UTDHLT: COPACETIC system for choosing plausible alternatives30.452012
Annotating Spatial Containment Relations Between Events.50.412012
Cohort Sherpherd II: Verifying Cohort Constraints from Hospital Visits.20.392012
A supervised framework for resolving coreference in clinical records.30.372012
Locational relativity and domain constraints in spatial questions00.342012
EmpaTweet: Annotating and Detecting Emotions on Twitter.130.882012
UTD: determining relational similarity using lexical patterns113.182012
A machine learning approach for identifying anatomical locations of actionable findings in radiology reports.60.522012
Cohort Shepherd: Discoving Cohort Traits from Hospital Visits.110.872011
Detecting New and Emerging Events from Textual Sources00.342011
A generative model for unsupervised discovery of relations and argument classes from clinical texts40.432011
A flexible framework for deriving assertions from electronic medical records.311.242011
Relevance Modeling for Microblog Summarization.220.832011
Automatic extraction of relations between medical concepts in clinical texts.501.352011
Unsupervised learning of selectional restrictions and detection of argument coercions50.452011
UTDMet: Combining WordNet and corpus data for argument coercion detection00.342010
UTD: Classifying semantic relations by combining lexical and semantic resources512.582010
Learning Textual Graph Patterns to Detect Causal Event Relations230.862010
A Linguistic Resource for Semantic Parsing of Motion Events00.342010
Unsupervised event coreference resolution with rich linguistic features561.802010
Toponym Disambiguation Using Events60.542010
Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution.70.602009
Using clustering methods for discovering event structures30.362008
A Linguistic Resource for Discovering Event Structures and Resolving Event Coreference180.842008
Cogex: A semantically and contextually enriched logic prover for question answering261.162007
Satisfying information needs with multi-document summaries211.162007
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