Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kawazu 680-4, Iizuka, 820-8502 Japan
Search Limit
Path histogram distance and complete subtree histogram distance for rooted labelled caterpillars.00.342020
Alignment for Rooted Labeled Caterpillars.00.342019
Introducing Fluctuation into Increasing Order of Symmetric Uncertainty for Consistency-Based Feature Selection.00.342019
Annealing By Increasing Resampling00.342019
Annealing By Increasing Resampling In The Unified View Of Simulated Annealing00.342019
Fast Filtering for Nearest Neighbor Search by Sketch Enumeration Without Using Matching.00.342019
Bipartite Edge Correlation Clustering: Finding An Edge Biclique Partition From A Bipartite Graph With Minimum Disagreement00.342019
Fast Nearest Neighbor Search With Narrow 16-Bit Sketch00.342019
Vertical And Horizontal Distances To Approximate Edit Distance For Rooted Labeled Caterpillars10.382019
Computing Edit Distance between Rooted Labeled Caterpillars.00.342018
Earth Mover's Distance Between Rooted Labeled Unordered Trees Formulated from Complete Subtrees.00.342018
LCA Histogram Distance for Rooted Labeled Caterpillars.00.342018
Path Histogram Distance For Rooted Labeled Caterpillars00.342018
Tai Mapping Hierarchy for Rooted Labeled Trees Through Common Subforest.30.442017
Pivot Selection for Dimension Reduction using Annealing by Increasing Resampling.00.342017
Extracting Mutually Dependent Multisets00.342017
Iterative Feature Selection Based on Binary Consistency00.342017
Anchored Alignment Distance between Rooted Labeled Unordered Trees.00.342017
Fast Hilbert Sort Algorithm Without Using Hilbert Indices.00.342016
Alignment of Cyclically Ordered Trees00.342015
Classifying Nucleotide Sequences and their Positions of Influenza A Viruses through Several Kernels00.342015
Extracting Propagation Patterns from Bacterial Culture Data in Medical Facility00.342015
High Dimensional Similarity Search with Bundled Query Processing on Hilbert R-Tree.00.342015
Central Point Selection in Dimension Reduction Projection Simple-Map with Binary Quantization.00.342014
Mapping Kernels Between Rooted Labeled Trees Beyond Ordered Trees.00.342014
Tractable And Intractable Variations Of Unordered Tree Edit Distance10.382014
Anchored Alignment Problem for Rooted Labeled Trees.00.342014
A Dynamic Programming A* Algorithm for Computing Unordered Tree Edit Distance00.342013
Clustering of Positions in Nucleotide Sequences by Trim Distance10.362013
Polynomial Delay And Space Discovery Of Connected And Acyclic Sub-Hypergraphs In A Hypergraph00.342013
Development of Flexible User Need's Investigation System Based on XML Conversions10.632013
Agreement Subtree Mapping Kernel for Phylogenetic Trees.00.342013
Exploring social context from buzz marketing site - Community mapping based on tree edit distance -.00.342013
Faster Algorithms for Tree Similarity Based on Compressed Enumeration of Bounded-Sized Ordered Subtrees.00.342013
Translating XML Documents Through Dyck-Typed Regular Translation Elementary Formal Systems10.402012
Segmental Mapping and Distance for Rooted Labeled Ordered Trees10.352012
A trim distance between positions as packaging signals in H3N2 influenza viruses10.362012
An Isolated-Subtree Inclusion for Unordered Trees00.342012
A Trim Distance between Positions in Nucleotide Sequences.30.832012
On Computing Tractable Variations of Unordered Tree Edit Distance with Network Algorithms.20.402011
Improved MAX SNP-hard results for finding an edit distance between unordered trees150.722011
An A* Algorithm for Computing Edit Distance between Rooted Labeled Unordered Trees.30.422011
The sixth workshop on learning with logics and logics for learning (LLLL2009)00.342009
On Generating All Maximal Acyclic Subhypergraphs with Polynomial Delay10.352009
Approximating Tree Edit Distance through String Edit Distance for Binary Tree Codes10.372009
A Polynomial-Delay Polynomial-Space Algorithm for Extracting Frequent Diamond Episodes from Event Sequences30.402009
Mining frequent k-partite episodes from event sequences30.402009
Mining Frequent Bipartite Episode from Event Sequences10.372009
Discovering Networks for Global Propagation of Influenza A (H3N2) Viruses by Clustering00.342009
A Tree Distance Function Based on Multi-sets80.582008
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