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Comparison of Neural Network Optimizers for Relative Ranking Retention Between Neural Architectures.00.342019
Big data regression with parallel enhanced and convex incremental extreme learning machines.00.342018
Kernel averaged gradient descent subtractive clustering for exemplar selection.00.342018
A Fusion Method for Combining Low-Cost IMU/Magnetometer Outputs for Use in Applications on Mobile Devices.00.342018
Managing the computational cost of model selection and cross-validation in extreme learning machines via Cholesky, SVD, QR and eigen decompositions.40.402018
Simulating parallel scalable probabilistic neural networks via exemplar selection and EM in a ring pipeline.10.372018
Timely advances in evolving neural-based systems special issue.20.422017
Local learning regularization networks for localized regression.10.352017
Exemplar Selection Via Leave-One-Out Kernel Averaged Gradient Descent And Subtractive Clustering20.372016
Multiple String Matching On A Gpu Using Cuda20.382015
Topology and simulations of a Hierarchical Markovian Radial Basis Function Neural Network classifier.50.402015
Multithreaded Local Learning Regularization Neural Networks for Regression Tasks.10.352015
Confidence ratio affinity propagation in ensemble selection of neural network classifiers for distributed privacy-preserving data mining.90.442015
A fast progressive local learning regression ensemble of generalized regression neural networks00.342015
A Hybrid Parallel Implementation Of The Aho-Corasick And Wu-Manber Algorithms Using Nvidia Cuda And Mpi Evaluated On A Biological Sequence Database10.372014
Breaking Ties of Plurality Voting in Ensembles of Distributed Neural Network Classifiers Using Soft Max Accumulations.00.342014
A distributed privacy-preserving regularization network committee machine of isolated Peer classifiers for P2P data mining10.342014
A Parallel and Hierarchical Markovian RBF Neural Network: Preliminary Performance Evaluation.10.352013
Exact online two-dimensional pattern matching using multiple pattern matching algorithms.00.342013
Parallel and local learning for fast probabilistic neural networks in scalable data mining30.412013
A distributed asynchronous and privacy preserving neural network ensemble selection approach for peer-to-peer data mining10.352012
Efficient Multi-Core Computations in Computational Statistics and Econometrics00.342012
Performance Study of Parallel Hybrid Multiple Pattern Matching Algorithms for Biological Sequences.20.412012
Performance study of matrix computations using multi-core programming tools00.342012
Computational Comparison of Some Multi-core Programming Tools for Basic Matrix Computations00.342012
An Optimal Scaling Framework For Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems00.342012
Parallel Implementation of the Wu-Manber Algorithm Using the OpenCL Framework.30.402012
A Regularization Network Committee Machine of Isolated Regularization Networks for Distributed Privacy Preserving Data Mining.10.362012
Multithreaded Implementation of the Slope One Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering.10.342012
Implementing Basic Computational Kernels of Linear Algebra on Multicore00.342012
Parallel Implementation of the Slope One Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering30.392012
A Performance Evaluation of the Preprocessing Phase of Multiple Keyword Matching Algorithms40.462011
Parallel direct methods for solving the system of linear equations with pipelining on a multicore using OpenMP00.342011
Towards an Integrated Teaching Environment for Parallel Programming20.412011
Experimental Results on Multiple Pattern Matching Algorithms for Biological Sequences.50.512011
Open Multi Processing (OpenMP) of Gauss-Jordan Method for Solving System of Linear Equations00.342011
Implementing Parallel LU Factorization with Pipelining on a MultiCore Using OpenMP90.562010
An Optimal Scaling Approach To Collaborative Filtering Using Categorical Principal Component Analysis And Neighborhood Formation30.422010
Performance Models for Matrix Computations on Multicore Processors Using OpenMP20.372010
Collaborative filtering through SVD-based and hierarchical nonlinear PCA50.612010
Survey of Software Environments for Parallel Distributed Processing: Parallel Programming Education on Real Life Target Systems Using Production Oriented Software Tools.20.532010
A Simple Algorithm Implementation for Pattern-Matching with Bounded Gaps in Genomic and Proteomic Sequences, on the Grid EGEE Platform, using an Intuitive User Interface00.342009
On the Performance of SVD-Based Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering10.352009
String Matching on a Multicore GPU Using CUDA151.042009
Identifying the effects of SVD and demographic data use on generalized collaborative filtering10.382008
Processor array architectures for flexible approximate string matching10.362008
Performance Evaluation of Multiple Approximate String Matching Algorithms Implemented with MPI Paradigm in an Experimental Cluster Environment00.342008
Improving the Efficiency of Exact Two Dimensional On-Line Pattern Matching Algorithms00.342008
Multimedia Authoring Tools: The Quest for an Educational Package30.452007
A programmable array processor architecture for flexible approximate string matching algorithms100.592007
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