ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Keihanna Science City, Kyoto, Japan
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From internal models toward metacognitive AI00.342021
Hierarchical Motor Adaptations Negotiate Failures During Force Field Learning00.342021
Electrical coupling controls dimensionality and chaotic firing of inferior olive neurons00.342020
A Cerebellar Computational Mechanism for Delay Conditioning at Precise Time Intervals00.342020
Computational model for human 3D shape perception from a single specular image00.342019
Toward a comprehensive understanding of the neural mechanisms of decoded neurofeedback.20.412019
Decoded fMRI neurofeedback can induce bidirectional confidence changes within single participants.60.512017
Reduction of global interference of scalp-hemodynamics in functional near-infrared spectroscopy using short distance probes.50.542016
Visualizing and manipulating brain dynamics00.342015
Segmental Bayesian estimation of gap-junctional and inhibitory conductance of inferior olive neurons from spike trains with complicated dynamics.00.342015
Estimation of hyper-parameters for a hierarchical model of combined cortical and extra-brain current sources in the MEG inverse problem.20.362014
Solution to the inverse problem of estimating gap-junctional and inhibitory conductance in inferior olive neurons from spike trains by network model simulation.00.342013
Differential activation of brain regions involved with error-feedback and imitation based motor simulation when observing self and an expert's actions in pilots and non-pilots on a complex glider landing task.10.382013
Computation in the Cerebellum.00.342013
Cortical current source estimation from electroencephalography in combination with near-infrared spectroscopy as a hierarchical prior.50.472012
The eMOSAIC model for humanoid robot control.90.572012
A state-space modeling approach for localization of focal current sources from MEG.70.532012
MOSAIC for multiple-reward environments.40.472012
A Fully-Implantable Wireless System For Human Brain-Machine Interfaces Using Brain Surface Electrodes: W-Herbs71.212011
Reconstruction of two-dimensional movement trajectories from selected magnetoencephalography cortical currents by combined sparse Bayesian methods.131.112011
Premotor cortex mediates perceptual performance.80.652010
Biomimetic motor behavior for simultaneous adaptation of force, impedance and trajectory in interaction tasks171.162010
eMOSAIC model for humanoid robot control10.352010
The protein kinase Mζ network as a bistable switch to store neuronal memory.30.482010
Theoretical Study On Wave Propagation And Scattering In Random Media And Its Application00.342010
Single-trial reconstruction of finger-pinch forces from human motor-cortical activation measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).50.762009
Computational Neuroscience and Multiple-Valued Logic00.342009
A hierarchical Bayesian method to resolve an inverse problem of MEG contaminated with eye movement artifacts.50.662009
Evaluation of hierarchical Bayesian method through retinotopic brain activities reconstruction from fMRI and MEG signals.171.402008
Variational Bayesian least squares: An application to brain-machine interface data.70.932008
Sparse linear regression for reconstructing muscle activity from human cortical fMRI.81.192008
Reflex Contributions to the Directional Tuning of Arm Stiffness00.342007
Nitric Oxide Regulates Input Specificity Of Long-Term Depression And Context Dependence Of Cerebellar Learning40.512007
Editorial for 2007: Another year of exciting special issues!00.342007
Conflicting Visual and Proprioceptive Reflex Responses During Reaching Movements00.342007
Reconstruction of Temporal Movement from Single-trial Non-invasive Brain Activity: A Hierarchical Bayesian Method10.382007
Editorial for 200700.342007
A computational model of anterior intraparietal (AIP) neurons120.852006
Heterarchical reinforcement-learning model for integration of multiple cortico-striatal loops: fMRI examination in stimulus-action-reward association learning.211.702006
Stability and motor adaptation in human arm movements.282.292006
Mirror neurons and imitation: a computationally guided review.584.372006
Dexterous Skills Transfer By Extending Human Body Schema To A Robotic Hand70.572006
Imitation Bootstrapping: Experiments On A Robotic Hand70.872005
Predicting EMG Data from M1 Neurons with Variational Bayesian Least Squares90.962005
Another Year of Exciting Special Issues!00.342005
A model of smooth pursuit in primates based on learning the target dynamics.222.242005
Trajectory formation based on the minimum commanded torque change model using the Euler–Poisson equation30.472005
An Empirical Exploration of Phase Resetting for Robust Biped Locomotion with Dynamical Movement Primitives80.702004
Hierarchical Bayesian estimation for MEG inverse problem.744.732004
Learning from demonstration and adaptation of biped locomotion17410.402004
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