Nourabad Mamasani Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nourabad Mamasani, Iran
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An architecture for scheduling with the capability of minimum share to heterogeneous Hadoop systems00.342021
A Multi-Level Consensus Function Clustering Ensemble00.342021
Reliability-based fuzzy clustering ensemble30.362021
A unit-based, cost-efficient scheduler for heterogeneous Hadoop systems20.362021
A Linear Space Adjustment By Mapping Data Into An Intermediate Space And Keeping Low Level Data Structures00.342021
Multi-Objective Whale Optimization Algorithm And Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimizer For Solving Next Release Problem With Developing Fairness And Uncertainty Quality Indicators00.342021
An Adaptive Location-Aware Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithm00.342021
Deep Learning Neural Network for Unconventional Images Classification10.362020
Deep feature learnt by conventional deep neural network00.342020
User and item profile expansion for dealing with cold start problem.00.342020
Deep neural network as deep feature learner.00.342020
Dependability‐based cluster weighting in clustering ensemble00.342020
A New Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing In Internet Of Things Based On Gray Theory10.352020
Social Network Optimization For Cluster Ensemble Selection00.342020
An efficient approach to state space management in model checking of complex software systems using machine learning techniques.10.362020
An approach based on knowledge exploration for state space management in checking reachability of complex software systems10.362020
Cluster Ensemble Selection Using Balanced Normalized Mutual Information00.342020
Elite fuzzy clustering ensemble based on clustering diversity and quality measures20.362019
Clustering ensemble selection considering quality and diversity20.362019
A fuzzy clustering ensemble based on cluster clustering and iterative Fusion of base clusters40.392019
A comprehensive study of clustering ensemble weighting based on cluster quality and diversity40.392019
A linear unsupervised transfer learning by preservation of cluster-and-neighborhood data organization00.342019
An innovative linear unsupervised space adjustment by keeping low-level spatial data structure00.342019
Diversity based cluster weighting in cluster ensemble: an information theory approach20.362019
Consensus Function Based On Clusters Clustering And Iterative Fusion Of Base Clusters10.352019
A new natural-inspired continuous optimization approach.00.342018
Explicit memory based ABC with a clustering strategy for updating and retrieval of memory in dynamic environments.10.342018
Cmcabc: Clustering And Memory-Based Chaotic Artificial Bee Colony Dynamic Optimization Algorithm10.342018
Using sub-sampling and ensemble clustering techniques to improve performance of imbalanced classification.20.372018
Optimisation Inspiring From Behaviour Of Raining In Nature: Droplet Optimisation Algorithm00.342018
Dynamic protein–protein interaction networks construction using firefly algorithm20.362018
Imputing missing value through ensemble concept based on statistical measures.00.342018
An optimization algorithm based on behavior of see-see partridge chicks.40.522017
Integrating Information of Films by a Multi-source Combining Framework.00.342016
An enhanced dynamic detection of possible invariants based on best permutation of test cases.00.342016
A New Method to Optimize Dynamic Environments with Global Changes Using the Chickens-Hen' Algorithm.00.342016
Trend Detection in Gold Worth Using Regression.00.342016
SSPCO Optimization Algorithm (See-See Partridge Chicks Optimization).00.342015
Building a Diverse Ensemble for Classification.00.342015
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Dynamic Environments.10.352015
A Robust Clustering Via Swarm Intelligence00.342015
Fault Localization by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm.00.342015
A Classifier Ensemble Enriched with Unsupervised Learning.00.342015
Classifier Ensemble by Semi-supervised Learning: Local Aggregation Methodology.00.342015
Exploring Weights of Hierarchical and Equivalency Relationship in General Persian Texts00.342015
Diminishing Prototype Size for k-Nearest Neighbors Classification.00.342015
Primary Clusters Selection Using Adaptive Algorithms.00.342015
Online Detection of Moving Object in Video.00.342015
Enhanced KNNC Using Train Sample Clustering.00.342015
Semi-supervised Local Aggregation Methodology00.342015
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