University of Silesia, Sosnowiec Poland
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Decision trees for regular factorial languages00.342022
Rough analysis of computation trees00.342022
Selected Data Mining Tools for Data Analysis in Distributed Environment00.342022
Decision Trees Based On 1-Consequences00.342021
Minimizing Depth of Decision Trees with Hypotheses00.342021
Sorting by Decision Trees with Hypotheses (extended abstract).00.342021
Extensions of dynamic programming for multi-stage combinatorial optimization00.342020
Representation of Knowledge by Decision Trees for Decision Tables with Multiple Decisions.00.342020
Comparison of Heuristics for Optimization of Association Rules00.342019
Experimental Study of Totally Optimal Decision Trees.00.342019
Decision Trees for Knowledge Representation (short paper).00.342019
Bi-criteria optimization of decision trees with applications to data analysis.20.362018
Totally optimal decision rules.00.342018
Multi-stage optimization of decision and inhibitory trees for decision tables with many-valued decisions.10.402017
Element Partition Trees Forh-Refined Meshes To Optimize Direct Solver Performance. Part I: Dynamic Programming00.342017
On Importance Of Rows For Decision Tables00.342017
WQO is decidable for factorial languages.00.342017
Totally optimal decision trees for Boolean functions.20.372016
Decision trees with minimum average depth for sorting eight elements10.352016
Greedy Algorithm for the Construction of Approximate Decision Rules for Decision Tables with Many-Valued Decisions.10.362016
Dynamic Programming Approach for Construction of Association Rule Systems.10.632016
Hybrid Direct and Iterative Solver with Library of Multi-criteria Optimal Orderings for h Adaptive Finite Element Method Computations.20.402016
Three Approaches to Deal with Tests for Inconsistent Decision Tables - Comparative Study.10.352015
Classification and optimization of decision trees for inconsistent decision tables represented as MVD tables30.382015
Comparison of Heuristics for Inhibitory Rule Optimization.10.372014
Relationships between Average Depth and Number of Misclassifications for Decision Trees20.382014
Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Generation of Optimal Elimination Trees for Multi-frontal Direct Solver Over H-refined Grids.50.472014
Classifiers Based on Optimal Decision Rules00.342013
Deciding WQO for Factorial Languages.10.362013
Optimization And Analysis Of Decision Trees And Rules: Dynamic Programming Approach70.612013
Decision Rules, Trees and Tests for Tables with Many-valued Decisions-comparative Study.00.342013
Optimization of approximate decision rules relative to number of misclassifications: comparison of greedy and dynamic programming approaches20.422012
Greedy Algorithm for Construction of Decision Trees for Tables with Many-Valued Decisions.60.562012
Relationships between Number of Nodes and Number of Misclassifications for Decision Trees.00.342012
Optimization of Approximate Decision Rules Relative to Number of Misclassifications.00.342012
Tests for Decision Tables with Many-Valued Decisions - Comparative Study.00.342012
Relationships Between Length and Coverage of Exact Decision Rules.00.342012
On Cost and Uncertainty of Decision Trees.00.342012
Optimization of inhibitory decision rules relative to length and coverage30.482012
Greedy Algorithms for Construction of Approximate Tests for Decision Tables with Many-Valued Decisions30.402012
Dynamic Programming Approach for Partial Decision Rule Optimization100.782012
Length and coverage of inhibitory decision rules20.392012
Sequential optimization of binary search trees for multiple cost functions20.512011
Comparison of Greedy Algorithms for Decision Tree Construction.10.362011
Online learning algorithm for ensemble of decision rules40.442011
Sequential Optimization Of Paths In Directed Graphs Relative To Different Cost Functions00.342011
Constructing an optimal decision tree for FAST corner point detection10.352011
Sequential optimization of matrix chain multiplication relative to different cost functions20.422011
Construction of α-decision trees for tables with many-valued decisions70.572011
Greedy Algorithm with Weights for Decision Tree Construction60.512010
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