Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und BWL ISYM — Information Systems & Management,Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz,Mainz,Germany
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Challenges and potentials of order-specific individual manufacturing: A case study from tool making00.342021
German Rescue Robotics Center (DRZ): A Holistic Approach for Robotic Systems Assisting in Emergency Response10.412021
Blockchain-basierte Betriebsprüfung am Beispiel der deutschen Finanzverwaltung.00.342021
Local Post-Hoc Explanations for Predictive Process Monitoring in Manufacturing00.342021
Towards Optimal Free Trade Agreement Utilization through Deep Learning Techniques00.342020
Prescriptive Process Analytics with Deep Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence.00.342020
Blockchain-based Decentralized Validation of Tax Processes (invited paper).00.342020
Supporting Complaint Management in the Medical Technology Industry by Means of Deep Learning.00.342019
Walkable Graph - An Immersive Augmented Reality Interface for Performing the Memory Palace Method.00.342019
Team communication processing and process analytics for supporting robot-assisted emergency response00.342019
Substitution of hazardous chemical substances using Deep Learning and t-SNE.00.342019
Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques to Reveal VAT Compliance Violations in Accounting Data00.342019
Prädiktives Monitoring von Geschäftsprozessen zur Beherrschung von Risiken in weltweiten Netzen auf Basis von Process Mining und Simulation(Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes for Controlling Systemtic Risks in Global Networks).00.342019
Towards Explainable Process Predictions for Industry 4.0 in the DFKI-Smart-Lego-Factory20.372019
Digitale Transformation von Prozessen in der Rechtsberatung: Anwendungsszenarien im Steuerbereich am Beispiel des ARGUMENTUM-Systems00.342019
Model-Based Compliance in Information Systems - Foundations, Case Description and Data Set of the MobIS-Challenge for Students and Doctoral Candidates.00.342019
Potenziale von Blockchain-Anwendungen im Steuerbereich.00.342018
Process-Mining-unterstützte Ad-hoc-Produktionsplanung - Konzept und prototypische Implementierung.00.342018
Event Entry Time Prediction In Financial Business Processes Using Machine Learning: A Use Case From Loan Applications00.342018
A Procedure Model for Situational Reference Model Mining.00.342018
Clustering Business Process Activities for Identifying Reference Model Components.00.342018
Tool Support for Design Science Research—Towards a Software Ecosystem: A Report from a DESRIST 2017 Workshop00.342018
A Method for Ecological Process Optimization Based on Compliance Checking00.342018
Similarity of Business Process Models - A State-of-the-Art Analysis.50.532017
A graph-theoretic method for the inductive development of reference process models90.662017
Supporting Business Process Modeling Using RNNs for Label Classification.10.352017
Towards Guidelines of Modeling for Ecology-Aware Process Design.00.342017
Speech Acts in Actual Processes: Evaluation of Interfaces and Triggers in ITIL.00.342017
XES Tensorflow - Process Prediction using the Tensorflow Deep-Learning Framework.00.342017
A Multi-stage Deep Learning Approach for Business Process Event Prediction.20.352017
Towards Situational Reference Model Mining - Main Idea, Procedure Model & Case Study.10.352017
Predicting Process Behaviour using Deep Learning.70.522017
Process Mining and the Black Swan: An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Unobserved Behavior on the Quality of Mined Process Models.10.372017
Technology-Enhanced Process Elicitation of Worker Activities in Manufacturing.10.372017
Towards An Integrative Big Data Analysis Framework For Data-Driven Risk Management In Industry 4.050.512016
Theories in Business and Information Systems Engineering.30.372016
Mining Reference Process Models from Large Instance Data.00.342016
An Approach for Semantic Business Process Model Matching using Supervised Machine Learning.40.432016
Erratum to: Theories in Business and Information Systems Engineering.10.372016
A Deep Learning Approach for Predicting Process Behaviour at Runtime.00.342016
Automated Assessment of Process Modeling Exams: Basic Ideas and Prototypical Implementation.00.342016
A Comparative Analysis of Business Process Model Similarity Measures.00.342016
Evaluation automatisierter Ansätze für die Bewertung von Modellierungsaufgaben.00.342016
Efficiency of Generated Performer Networks in Collaborative Business Process Models00.342016
An Execution-Semantic Approach to Inductive Reference Model Development.20.392016
Towards Ecological Workflow Patterns As An Instrument To Optimize Business Processes With Respect To Ecological Goals10.352016
Mining the usability of business process modeling tools: concept and case study.00.342015
A Comparative Analysis of Process Instance Cluster Techniques.90.592015
Konzeption und Implementierung eines Werkzeuges zur automatisierten Identifikation und Analyse von Argumentationsstrukturen anhand der Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts im Digital-Humanities-Projekt ARGUMENTUM.00.342015
The process model matching contest 201500.342015
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