Department of Informatics and Computer Technology,Technological Educational Institute of Lamia,Lamia,Greece
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Prediction of Injuries in CrossFit Training: A Machine Learning Perspective00.342022
Precision-Based Weighted Blending Distributed Ensemble Model for Emotion Classification00.342022
Wafer Map Defect Pattern Recognition using Imbalanced Datasets00.342022
Effective Brain Connectivity for fNIRS With Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in Neuroergonomics00.342022
A Convolutional Neural Network-based explainable classification method of SPECT myocardial perfusion images in nuclear cardiology00.342022
Deep Learning for Bone Metastasis Localisation in Nuclear Imaging data of Breast Cancer Patients00.342021
Applied Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in Simulation Strategy for Trajectory in Collaborative Robotic00.342021
Short Survey of Artificial Intelligent Technologies for Defect Detection in Manufacturing10.372021
Triangular Neutrosophic Cognitive Map For Multistage Sequential Decision-Making Problems00.342021
From Undirected Structures to Directed Graphical Lasso Fuzzy Cognitive Maps using Ranking-based Approaches00.342020
A Machine Learning workflow for Diagnosis of Knee Osteoarthritis with a focus on post-hoc explainability00.342020
Development of Convolutional Neural Networkbased models for bone metastasis classification in nuclear medicine00.342020
Exploring Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy development scenarios using the Fuzzy Cognitive Map Wizard Tool.00.342020
Prediction of pain in knee osteoarthritis patients using machine learning: Data from Osteoarthritis Initiative00.342020
Retrieving Sparser Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Directly from Categorical Ordinal Dataset using the Graphical Lasso Models and the MAX-threshold Algorithm00.342020
Multi-robot exploration using Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Ant Colony Optimization00.342020
Digital game-based learning in a robotics course00.342020
A Novel Fuzzy Inference Approach: Neuro-fuzzy Cognitive Map00.342020
Applying Long Short-Term Memory Networks for natural gas demand prediction00.342019
Exploring deep learning capabilities in knee osteoarthritis case study for classification00.342019
A software tool for FCM aggregation employing credibility weights and learning OWA operators00.342019
Exploring an Ensemble of Methods that Combines Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neural Networks in Solving the Time Series Prediction Problem of Gas Consumption in Greece.10.352019
Application of machine intelligence for osteoarthritis classification: a classical implementation and a quantum perspective.00.342019
Temperature Forecasting for Energy Saving in Smart Buildings Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map.00.342018
Development and Evaluation of a Fuzzy Inference System and a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Grading Apple Quality.00.342018
A novel medical decision support system based on fuzzy cognitive maps enhanced by intuitive and learning capabilities for modeling uncertainty.00.342018
Application Of Fuzzy Cognitive Map For Geospatial Dengue Outbreak Risk Prediction Of Tropical Regions Of Southern India00.342018
A novel hybrid method based on fuzzy cognitive maps and fuzzy clustering algorithms for grading celiac disease.30.392018
Artificial Life Environment Modeled by Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.10.352018
Implementing Fuzzy Cognitive Maps With Neural Networks For Natural Gas Prediction00.342018
Two-Stage Learning Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Reduction Approach.10.352018
A concept reduction approach for fuzzy cognitive map models in decision making and management.100.542017
A review of fuzzy cognitive maps in medicine: Taxonomy, methods, and applications.00.342017
A Fuzzy Cognitive Map Approach Applied in Cost–Benefit Analysis for Highway Projects30.382017
A two-stage model for time series prediction based on fuzzy cognitive maps and neural networks.80.452017
Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Using Evolutionary Algorithm Based on System Performance Indicators.00.342017
Learning and Convergence of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Used in Pattern Recognition.60.482017
Hybrid Model For Water Demand Prediction Based On Fuzzy Cognitive Maps And Artificial Neural Networks20.362016
Fuzzy Cognitive Map For Visual Servoing Of Flying Robot10.352016
An Economic Decision Support System based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Evolutionary Learning Algorithm.00.342016
On the convergence of sigmoid Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.130.682016
Hybrid learning of fuzzy cognitive maps for sugarcane yield classification.80.512016
A cognitive map framework to support integrated environmental assessment90.522016
Learning fuzzy cognitive maps using Structure Optimization Genetic Algorithm70.442015
Learning Fuzzy Cognitive Maps using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm.90.462015
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Multi-step Gradient Methods for Prediction: Applications to Electricity Consumption and Stock Exchange Returns20.352015
Managing readiness-relevant activities for the organizational dimension of ERP implementation.60.442015
A Decision-Support Framework for Promoting Independent Living and Ageing Well120.792015
Application of fuzzy cognitive maps in precision agriculture: a case study on coconut yield management of southern India’s Malabar region110.592015
A risk management model for familial breast cancer: A new application using Fuzzy Cognitive Map method.40.422015
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