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Scalability and Performance of LiDAR Point Cloud Data Management Systems: A State-of-the-Art Review.00.342022
A Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate00.342022
Targeting stopwords for quality assurance of SNOMED-CT00.342022
A profile-aware methodological framework for collaborative multidimensional modeling00.342021
An Extremely-Low Cost Ground-Based Whole Sky Imager.00.342021
Stop-word Based Contextual Auditing to Identify Inconsistencies in SNOMED.00.342020
How to Tune Parameters in Geographical Ontologies Embedding00.342020
Exploring Spatial Symbiosis of Agriculture and Mining for Sustainable Development in Northwest Ghana00.342019
The role of geographic knowledge in sub-city level geolocation.00.342019
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Embeddings in Representing the Structure of Geospatial Ontologies.00.342019
Impact of Semantic Granularity on Geographic Information Search Support10.352018
Gazetteer enrichment for addressing urban areas: a case study.30.392016
Interpreting map usage patterns using geovisual analytics and spatio-temporal clustering.30.462015
Appearance-based SLAM in a network space00.342015
Inferring Semantics from Geometry - the Case of Street Networks50.552015
Personalizing maps.90.682015
An evaluative baseline for geo-semantic relatedness and similarity90.442014
Linking geographic vocabularies through WordNet.60.452014
The Semantic Similarity Ensemble10.352014
Interactive cartographic route descriptions10.372014
Multi-granular Street Network Representation towards Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data50.722013
Octree-based indexing for 3D pointclouds within an Oracle Spatial DBMS30.552013
Grounding linked open data in wordnet: the case of the OSM semantic network50.422013
A Survey of Volunteered Open Geo-Knowledge Bases in the Semantic Web.150.692013
Comparing close destination and route-based similarity metrics for the analysis of map user trajectories10.352013
Geographic knowledge extraction and semantic similarity in OpenStreetMap.431.402013
Computing the semantic similarity of geographic terms using volunteered lexical definitions160.622013
The similarity jury: combining expert judgements on geographic concepts50.402012
Utilizing geometric coherence in the computation of map transformations00.342012
A holistic semantic similarity measure for viewports in interactive maps10.362012
A multi-layer data representation of trajectories in social networks based on points of interest00.342012
Clustering user trajectories to find patterns for social interaction applications90.912012
Line Simplification in the Presence of Non-Planar Topological Relationships.30.402012
Identifying specific spatial tasks through clustering and geovisual analysis.10.372012
Assessing The Application Of Three-Dimensional Collaborative Technologies Within An E-Learning Environment00.342012
Semantically enriching VGI in support of implicit feedback analysis200.922011
A web-based visualisation tool for analysing mouse movements to support map personalisation40.422011
A comparison of open source geospatial technologies for web mapping10.412011
Task-based annotation and retrieval for image information management20.362011
View- and scale-based progressive transmission of vector data30.422011
GeoSpatial Semantics - 4th International Conference, GeoS 2011, Brest, France, May 12-13, 2011. Proceedings131.132011
Collaborative Filtering - A Group Profiling Algorithm for Personalisation in a Spatial Recommender System.00.342010
Personalizing map content to improve task completion efficiency130.812010
RecoMap: an interactive and adaptive map-based recommender150.662010
GoOlap Vers l'Analyse Spatio-Multidimensionnelle à l'aide du Geobrowser Google Earth.00.342009
Personalization in adaptive and interactive GIS130.722009
Adaptive Management of Multigranular Spatio-Temporal Object Attributes20.382009
Usability Testing of a Collaborative and Interactive University on a Mobile Device00.342009
Integrating Google Earth within OLAP Tools for Multidimensional Exploration and Analysis of Spatial Data130.812009
A Study of Spatial Interaction Behaviour for Improved Delivery of Web-Based Maps50.572009
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