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Controlling High-Performance Platform Uncertainties with Timing Diversity00.342022
Industry-track: System-Level Logical Execution Time for Automotive Software Development00.342022
A Platform Programming Paradigm for Heterogeneous Systems Integration00.342021
Timing diversity as a protective mechanism: work-in-progress00.342021
Efficient Run-Time Environments for System-Level LET Programming.00.342021
Safe Online Reconfiguration of Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems00.342020
Weakly-hard Real-time Guarantees for Earliest Deadline First Scheduling of Independent Tasks00.342020
Safe and efficient power management of hard real-time networks-on-chip00.342019
Increasing Accuracy Of Timing Models: From Cpa To Cpa00.342019
Design Methodologies For Enabling Self-Awareness In Autonomous Systems00.342018
Verifying Weakly-Hard Real-Time Properties of Traffic Streams in Switched Networks.00.342018
Exploiting Execution Dynamics in Timing Analysis Using Job Sequences.00.342018
System Level Let: Mastering Cause-Effect Chains In Distributed Systems00.342018
Finite Ready Queues As A Mean For Overload Reduction In Weakly-Hard Real-Time Systems10.362017
Bounding deadline misses in weakly-hard real-time systems with task dependencies.00.342017
Replica-Aware Co-Scheduling for Mixed-Criticality.00.342017
Contracting challenges for system design and integration.00.342017
Real-time communication analysis for Networks-on-Chip with backpressure.50.402017
Response Time Analysis for Sporadic Server Based Budget Scheduling in Real Time Virtualization Environments.00.342017
Guest Editorial for Special Issue of ESWEEK 2015.00.342016
Special issue of the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS).00.342016
Handling Complex Dependencies In System Design20.402016
Mixed Criticality Systems - A History of Misconceptions?160.692016
Self-aware systems for the internet-of-things.70.642016
The EMC2 Project on Embedded Microcontrollers: Technical Progress after Two Years10.402016
Conquering MPSoC complexity with principles of a self-aware information processing factory.00.342016
Guarantees For Runnable Entities With Heterogeneous Real-Time Requirements00.342016
Report of the 2015 Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).00.342016
Worst-case communication time analysis of networks-on-chip with shared virtual channels140.582015
Multi-Layer Software Reliability For Unreliable Hardware20.352015
Real-time DRAM throughput guarantees for latency sensitive mixed QoS MPSoCs00.342015
The shift to multicores in real-time and safety-critical systems110.642015
Improving formal timing analysis of switched ethernet by exploiting FIFO scheduling50.472015
Dynamic Control for Mixed-Critical Networks-on-Chip110.502015
Building timing predictable embedded systems250.802014
Supervised sharing of virtual channels in Networks -on-Chip50.432014
Sufficient temporal independence and improved interrupt latencies in a real-time hypervisor60.552014
Towards a Certifiable Integration of SRAM-Based FPGAs in Safety-Critical Automotive Systems00.342013
Stochastic response-time guarantee for non-preemptive, fixed-priority scheduling under errors50.412013
Using timing analysis for the design of future switched based ethernet automotive networks40.572012
Formal analysis of sporadic overload in real-time systems191.192012
Generalized weakly-hard constraints10.382012
System Level Performance Analysis for Real-Time Multi-Core and Network Architectures.00.342012
Optimizing performance analysis for synchronous dataflow graphs with shared resources50.492012
IDAMC: A Many-Core Platform with Run-Time Monitoring for Mixed-Criticality150.642012
Internet-of-energy: combining embedded computing and communication for the smart grid00.342012
Real-time communication analysis for networks with two-stage arbitration80.582011
Mastering MPSoCs for Mixed-critical Applications.00.342011
Utilizing Hidden Markov Models for Formal Reliability Analysis of Real-Time Communication Systems with Errors20.362011
The MORPHEUS Heterogeneous Dynamically Reconfigurable Platform50.452011
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