Department of Accounting, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Republic of China 701
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Fog-Based Pub/Sub Index With Boolean Expressions in the Internet of Industrial Vehicles10.352019
Assessing The Efficiency Of The Accounting Industry Using Multiactivity Network Dea: Evidence From Taiwan20.382019
Dynamic priority scheduling of periodic queries in on-demand data dissemination systems.10.352017
Parameterized Spatio-Textual Publish/Subscribe In Road Sensor Networks00.342017
A Novel Distributed Air Index For Efficient Spatial Query Processing In Road Sensor Networks On The Air30.392017
DSspirit: a data dependence and stride reference patterns profiling infrastructure.00.342016
Towards load shedding and scheduling schemes for data streams that maintain quality and timing requirements of query results.00.342016
Probabilistic Cknn Queries Of Uncertain Data In Large Road Networks00.342016
DOcyclical: A Latency-Resistant Cyclic Multi-Threading Approach for Automatic Program Parallelization.00.342016
Using Process Mining to Measure the Expected Costs of Business Processes.00.342016
Trial Plan with Capitation Payment of the National Healthcare Insurance in Taiwan: Establishing a Loyal Patient Selection Model00.342015
Continuous Monitoring of Top- k Spatial Keyword Queries in Road Networks.20.402015
Predicting and testing probability of continuous purchasing of online customers10.362015
Hyperbolic Utilization Bounds for Rate Monotonic Scheduling on Homogeneous Multiprocessors00.342014
Assessing the Efficiency of Accounting firms using Data envelopment Analysis with Multi-Activity Networks.10.392014
Searching continuous nearest neighbors in road networks on the air80.452014
Energy-Efficient Scheduling in Nonpreemptive Systems With Real-Time Constraints180.622013
Locality sensitive hashing revisited: filling the gap between theory and algorithm analysis60.432013
Workload-Efficient Deadline and Period Assignment for Maintaining Temporal Consistency under EDF90.472013
Leveraging the strengths of transactional memory while maintaining system performance for a multiplayer gaming application00.342012
The Hyperbolic Schedulability Bound for Multiprocessor RM Scheduling00.342012
Scheduling Periodic Continuous Queries in Real-Time Data Broadcast Environments90.472012
Mining frequent patterns in a varying-size sliding window of online transactional data streams200.742012
CkNN query processing over moving objects with uncertain speeds in road networks90.462011
On a novel property of the earliest deadline first algorithm.50.512011
Optimization scheduling of MPEG-4 FGS video coding stream under the feasible mandatory constraint00.342009
Smoothing Schedule of Partial Data Dropping for MPEG-4 FGS Video Coding Stream00.342008
Exploiting Application Semantics in Monitoring Real-Time Data Streams00.342008
The impact of varying frame rates and bit rates on perceived quality of low/high motion sequences with smooth/complex texture20.392008
The influence of perceived quality by adjusting frames per second and bits per frame under the limited bandwidth00.342007
Design and Evaluation of a Low-Latency Checkpointing Scheme for Mobile Computing Systems30.492006
Concurrency Control for Intermittently Connected Databases00.342005
A Low-Latency Checkpointing Scheme for Mobile Computing Systems30.392005
Object-Based Multimedia Scheduling Based On Bipartite Graphs00.342005
Optimizing Object-based Multimedia Delivery Across Bandwidth Constrained Networks00.342004
A quantification of aborting effect for real-time data accesses50.432003
On avoiding remote blocking via real-time concurrency control protocols00.342003
Versioning concurrency control for hard real-time systems20.382002
Abort-Oriented Concurrency Control for Real-Time Databases70.622001
Chopping and versioning real-time transactions to avoid remote blocking00.342000
State restoration in real-time systems10.431999
A Two-Version Approach for Real-Time Concurrency Control and Recovery80.571998
BAP: a class of abort-oriented protocols based on the notion of compatibility40.421996