Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Informatik 19, Institut für Informatik Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching Deutschland
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Revealing the landscape of privacy-enhancing technologies in the context of data markets for the IoT: A systematic literature review00.342022
Understanding the Implementation of Technical Measures in the Process of Data Privacy Compliance: A Qualitative Study00.342022
Just Linking the dots? Barriers and Drivers in Creating Value from Application Programming Interfaces.00.342020
Classification of German Court Rulings - Detecting the Area of Law.00.342020
Towards a Privacy-Enhancing Tool Based on De- Identification Methods.00.342020
Large-Scale Agile Development Patterns for Enterprise and Solution Architects00.342020
Keep up with Care: Researching System Adaptability in Chronic Care Management of Elderly patients.00.342019
SimpleNLG-DE - Adapting SimpleNLG 4 to German.00.342019
IT Landscape Discovery via Runtime Instrumentation for Automating Enterprise Architecture Model Maintenance.00.342019
Using Social Network Analysis to Investigate the Collaboration Between Architects and Agile Teams - A Case Study of a Large-Scale Agile Development Program in a German Consumer Electronics Company.10.362019
Towards Computer-aided Analysis of Readability and Comprehensibility of Patient Information in the Context of Clinical Research Projects00.342019
Modeling aspects of the language of life through transfer-learning protein sequences.60.452019
Documenting recurring concerns and patterns in large-scale agile development00.342019
Consumer Protection in the Digital Era - The Potential of Customer-Centered LegalTech.00.342019
"Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures" - Identifying Privacy Engineering Approaches to Meet GDPR Requirements.00.342019
Generating Explanations for Algorithmic Decisions of Usage-Based Insurances using Natural Language Generation.00.342018
Named-Entity Linking Using Deep Learning For Legal Documents: A Transfer Learning Approach.00.342018
Preface to the EDOC 2016 Special Issue.00.342018
From Expert Discipline to Common Practice: A Vision and Research Agenda for Extending the Reach of Enterprise Modeling.40.472018
Towards a Continuous Feedback Loop for Service-Oriented Environments00.342018
MICROLYZE: A Framework for Recovering the Software Architecture in Microservice-Based Environments.10.382018
Tamper-Proof Volume Tracking in Supply Chains with Smart Contracts.00.342018
Identifying and Structuring Challenges in Large-Scale Agile Development Based on a Structured Literature Review00.342018
Multi-Task Deep Learning for Legal Document Translation, Summarization and Multi-Label Classification.00.342018
Towards a Multi-Layer IT Infrastructure Monitoring Approach based on Enterprise Architecture Information.00.342017
Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a German Perspective.00.342017
Automatic Extraction of Design Decisions from Issue Management Systems: A Machine Learning Based Approach.110.512017
Classifying Legal Norms with Active Machine Learning.10.362017
Evaluating Natural Language Understanding Services for Conversational Question Answering Systems.70.742017
Informatikforschung für digitale Mobilitätsplattformen - Am Beispiel des TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility.00.342017
A Conceptual Model for Measuring the Complexity of Spreadsheets.10.352017
A Semantic Meta Model of Spreadsheets.00.342016
Differentiation and Empirical Analysis of Reference Types in Legal Documents.00.342016
Amazon In The Air: Innovating With Big Data At Lufthansa50.582016
Case Management: An Evaluation of Existing Approaches for Knowledge-Intensive Processes.60.472015
An Empirical Study on Spreadsheet Shortcomings from an Information Systems Perspective20.372015
Tool Support for Analyzing the Evolution of Enterprise Architecture Metrics.10.362015
Towards Measures of Complexity: Applying Structural and Linguistic Metrics to German Laws.10.402014
Adopting Notions of Complexity for Enterprise Architecture Management.60.462014
Pattern-based design research: an iterative research method balancing rigor and relevance70.592013
Goals in Enterprise Architecture Management -- Findings from Literature and Future Research Directions10.342013
Fostering Collaborative And Integrated Enterprise Architecture Modelling30.382013
Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Language Empowering Business Users to Define Key Performance Indicators for Enterprise Architecture Management70.572013
Facilitating Conflict Resolution of Models for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation.20.372013
A Tool for Collaborative Evolution of Enterprise Architecture Models at Runtime.20.382013
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Interactive Enterprise Architecture Management Visualizations.130.992012
Multi-faceted context-dependent knowledge organisation with TACKO00.342012
Towards Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Data Quality Aspects of SAP PI.50.542012
Decision Support for Selecting an Application Landscape Integration Strategy in Mergers and Acquisitions.00.342012
Challenges for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation.170.842012
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