ISISTAN Research Institute, Univ. Nacional del Centro de la Prov. de Bs. As., Campus Universitario, Paraje Arroyo Seco, CP 7000, Tandil, Bs. As., Argentina Also at CONICET, Argentina E-mail: {dgod ...
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Influence and performance of user similarity metrics in followee prediction00.342022
OHARS: Second Workshop on Online Misinformation- and Harm-Aware Recommender Systems00.342021
I Want to Break Free! Recommending Friends from Outside the Echo Chamber00.342021
Workshop on Online Misinformation- and Harm-Aware Recommender Systems00.342020
A MAS-Based Approach for POI Group Recommendation in LBSN.00.342020
An Experimental Study On Feature Engineering And Learning Approaches For Aggression Detection In Social Media00.342019
Short-text learning in social media: a review00.342019
[Research Paper] Towards Anticipation of Architectural Smells Using Link Prediction Techniques00.342018
Short-text feature construction and selection in social media data: a survey.30.362018
Multi-view community detection with heterogeneous information from social media data.10.352018
A study of neighbour selection strategies for POI recommendation in LBSNs00.342018
Can Network Analysis Techniques Help to Predict Design Dependencies? An Initial Study10.372018
DPM: A novel distributed large-scale social graph processing framework for link prediction algorithms.50.392018
[Research Paper] Towards Anticipation of Architectural Smells Using Link Prediction Techniques.00.342018
A Social-aware online short-text feature selection technique for social media.40.422018
Textual Aggression Detection through Deep Learning.00.342018
Persisting big-data: The NoSQL landscape.120.632017
A distributed approach for accelerating sparse matrix arithmetic operations for high-dimensional feature selection.10.432017
A Multi-Core Computing Approach For Large-Scale Multi-Label Classification00.342017
Task Scheduling for Processing Big Graphs in Heterogeneous Commodity Clusters.00.342017
SMArtOp: A Java library for distributing high-dimensional sparse-matrix arithmetic operations.00.342017
Mining social web service repositories for social relationships to aid service discovery.00.342017
Learning and adapting user criteria for recommending followees in social networks00.342017
Personality-aware followee recommendation algorithms: An empirical analysis.00.342016
Folksonomy-Based Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Review.80.432016
On the Impact of Neighborhood Selection Strategies for Recommender Systems in LBSNs.00.342016
An Evaluation of Distributed Processing Models for Random Walk-Based Link Prediction Algorithms Over Social Big Data.00.342016
Semantic grounding of social annotations for enhancing resource classification in folksonomies50.412015
Exploring the role of personality traits in followee recommendation50.392015
A Novel Metric for Assessing User Influence based on User Behaviour.00.342015
An Adaptive Technique for Weighting Multiple Factors in Followee Recommendation Algorithms.00.342015
Publication practices in the Argentinian Computer Science community: a bibliometric perspective10.372015
An architecture and platform for developing distributed recommendation algorithms on large-scale social networks.100.552015
Usage pattern mining for smartphone use personalization00.342014
Personalized architectural documentation based on stakeholders’ information needs40.392014
A Programming Interface and Platform Support for Developing Recommendation Algorithms on Large-Scale Social Networks.10.352014
How do personality traits affect communication among users in online social networks?100.492014
NLP-based faceted search: Experience in the development of a science and technology search engine50.452014
An approach for knowledge discovery in a web usability context10.362014
Followee recommendation based on text analysis of micro-blogging activity210.692013
Mining interests for user profiling in electronic conversations50.482013
Topology-Based Recommendation of Users in Micro-Blogging Communities321.032012
Mining textual requirements to assist architectural software design: a state of the art review50.492012
One-class support vector machines for personalized tag-based resource classification in social bookmarking systems30.432012
Evaluating tag filtering techniques for web resource classification in folksonomies40.402012
Enabling topic-level trust for collaborative information sharing30.382012
Functional grouping of natural language requirements for assistance in architectural software design130.622012
Can your friends help you to find interesting multimedia content on web 2.0?00.342011
A topology-based approach for followees recommendation in Twitter50.452011
Throughput centered prioritization of machines in transfer lines30.532011
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