Depto. de Matemáticas, Universidad de Alcalá, E-28871 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
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Algebraic and Puiseux series solutions of systems of autonomous algebraic ODEs of dimension one in several variables00.342023
Algebraic, Rational And Puiseux Series Solutions Of Systems Of Autonomous Algebraic Odes Of Dimension One00.342021
A Maple Package to Deal with the Birationality of Curves and Surfaces Parametrizations.00.342020
Moore-Penrose approach in the Hough transform framework.10.372020
Distortion-Free Instantaneous Multifrequency Saturator for THD Current Reduction00.342019
r-norm bounds and metric properties for zero loci of real analytic functions.10.362018
Formal Power Series Solutions of First Order Autonomous Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations.00.342018
Bohemian Upper Hessenberg Toeplitz Matrices.00.342018
Bohemian Upper Hessenberg Matrices.00.342018
Cissoid constructions of augmented rational ruled surfaces.00.342018
Rational general solutions of systems of first-order algebraic partial differential equations.10.362018
The Importance Of Being Zero00.342018
Computation of Moore-Penrose generalized inverses of matrices with meromorphic function entries.10.492017
Resultants over commutative idempotent semirings I: Algebraic aspect.00.342017
Algebraic and algorithmic aspects of radical parametrizations.00.342017
Fitness Landscape Analysis In The Optimization Of Coefficients Of Curve Parametrizations00.342017
A heuristic and evolutionary algorithm to optimize the coefficients of curve parametrizations.10.432016
On tubular vs. swung surfaces10.372016
Algebro-geometric analysis of bisectors of two algebraic plane curves.10.352016
Symbolic computation of Drazin inverses by specializations.10.382016
Corrigendum to: A heuristic and evolutionary algorithm to optimize the coefficients of curve parametrizations [J. Comput. Appl. Math. 305 (2016) 18-35].10.432016
A solution method for autonomous first-order algebraic partial differential equations30.422016
Missing sets in rational parametrizations of surfaces of revolution.30.422015
Birational transformations preserving rational solutions of algebraic ordinary differential equations30.412015
Gröbner basis computation of Drazin inverses with multivariate rational function entries20.412015
Computing the singularities of rational surfaces.40.512015
On Symbolic Solutions Of Algebraic Partial Differential Equations20.412014
Rational Hausdorff divisors: A new approach to the approximate parametrization of curves.10.372014
Missing sets in rational parametrizations of surfaces of revolution.10.372014
Factoring analytic multivariate polynomials and non-standard Cauchy-Riemann conditions.20.432014
Ultraquadrics associated to affine and projective automorphisms00.342014
Covering rational ruled surfaces10.392014
Reparametrizing swung surfaces over the reals.80.662014
Bounding and estimating the Hausdorff distance between real space algebraic curves.70.482014
Covering of surfaces parametrized without projective base points50.552014
First steps towards radical parametrization of algebraic surfaces90.642013
An algorithm to parametrize approximately space curves.90.522013
Behavior of the Fiber and the Base Points of Parametrizations Under Projections.10.352013
The Relation Between Offset and Conchoid Constructions10.362013
Total Degree Formula For The Generic Offset To A Parametric Surface10.362012
Algebraic Lens Distortion Model Estimation00.342011
Corrigendum to “Linear complete differential resultants and the implicitization of linear DPPEs” [J. Symbolic Comput. 45 (3) March (2010) 324-341]00.342011
Radical parametrizations of algebraic curves by adjoint curves110.772011
Accurate Depth Dependent Lens Distortion Models: An Application to Planar View Scenarios100.672011
Proper real reparametrization of rational ruled surfaces60.512011
Algorithmic detection of hypercircles10.362011
Linear complete differential resultants and the implicitization of linear DPPEs90.882010
A First Approach Towards Normal Parametrizations Of Algebraic Surfaces50.552010
Generalizing circles over algebraic extensions50.692010
Approximate parametrization of plane algebraic curves by linear systems of curves180.932010
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