Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
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Projective and affine symmetries and equivalences of rational and polynomial surfaces.30.412019
THB-splines multi-patch parameterization for multiply-connected planar domains via Template Segmentation.10.352019
Coupling adaptively refined multi-patch spline discretizations via boundary compatibility.00.342017
Planar multi-patch domain parameterization via patch adjacency graphs.90.522017
Automatic decomposition of 3D solids into contractible pieces using Reeb graphs.00.342017
Isogeometric design and analysis10.362017
Low rank interpolation of boundary spline curves.30.382017
New Developments in Geometry - Theory and Applications.00.342016
Reparameterization and Adaptive Quadrature for the Isogeometric Discontinuous Galerkin Method.00.342016
Completeness of generating systems for quadratic splines on adaptively refined criss-cross triangulations.10.362016
Characterization of bivariate hierarchical quartic box splines on a three-directional grid10.372016
Partially Nested Hierarchical Refinement of Bivariate Tensor-Product Splines with Highest Order Smoothness.00.342016
On the linear independence of truncated hierarchical generating systems.10.362016
Planar domain parameterization with THB-splines130.712015
On triangulation axes of polygons.00.342015
Isogeometric analysis with geometrically continuous functions on two-patch geometries120.762015
Spectral Quadrangulation with Feature Curve Alignment and Element Size Control.20.372014
Matrix Generation In Isogeometric Analysis By Low Rank Tensor Approximation60.562014
On the Parameterization of Rational Ringed Surfaces and Rational Canal Surfaces.40.442014
Computing a compact spline representation of the medial axis transform of a 2D shape70.432014
Hermite interpolation by rational Gk motions of low degree70.482013
Spline Approximation to Medial Axis.10.352013
Voronoi Diagrams from (Possibly Discontinuous) Embeddings00.342013
Recent advances in applied geometry.00.342013
Bases and dimensions of bivariate hierarchical tensor-product splines160.832013
On Computing the Convex Hull of (Piecewise) Curved Objects.20.362012
Curves and surfaces with rational chord length parameterization40.442012
Isogeometric simulation of turbine blades for aircraft engines40.542012
Triangular bubble spline surfaces.00.342011
Blends of canal surfaces from polyhedral medial transform representations.90.512011
Envelope computation in the plane by approximate implicitization50.772011
Spherical quadratic Bézier triangles with chord length parameterization and tripolar coordinates in space40.452011
A Quadratic Clipping Step with Superquadratic Convergence for Bivariate Polynomial Systems.30.402011
Approximating algebraic space curves by circular arcs60.462010
Exact medial axis computation for triangulated solids with respect to piecewise linear metrics50.402010
Industrial application of exact Boolean operations for meshes60.472010
Preface: Geometric Modeling and Processing10.352010
Volumetric geometry reconstruction of turbine blades for aircraft engines20.422010
Surfaces with rational chord length parameterization20.432010
An Evolution-Based Approach for Approximate Parameterization of Implicitly Defined Curves by Polynomial Parametric Spline Curves.10.352010
Parameterization of contractible domains using sequences of harmonic maps120.902010
Volumes with piecewise quadratic medial surface transforms: Computation of boundaries and trimmed offsets70.472010
Divide-and-conquer for Voronoi diagrams revisited130.602009
Shape Metrics Based on Elastic Deformations241.022009
Distance regression by Gauss–Newton-type methods and iteratively re-weighted least-squares30.412009
Oriented bounding surfaces with at most six common normals00.342009
Robust fitting of implicitly defined surfaces using Gauss-Newton-type techniques00.342009
Modeling and 3D object reconstruction by implicitly defined surfaces with sharp features20.412009
Piecewise Rational Manifold Surfaces with Sharp Features30.422009
Geometric Modeling and Processing00.342009
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