Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
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Risk-Sensitive Safety Analysis Using Conditional Value-at-Risk00.342022
Lyapunov Density Models: Constraining Distribution Shift in Learning-Based Control.00.342022
Towards Cyber-Physical Systems Robust to Communication Delays: A Differential Game Approach00.342022
Computation of Regions of Attraction for Hybrid Limit Cycles Using Reachability: An Application to Walking Robots00.342022
Inducing Structure in Reward Learning by Learning Features00.342022
Provably Safe and Scalable Multivehicle Trajectory Planning00.342021
A Robust Control Framework for Human Motion Prediction00.342021
Visual Navigation Among Humans With Optimal Control As A Supervisor00.342021
Safety And Liveness Guarantees Through Reach-Avoid Reinforcement Learning00.342021
DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability00.342021
Feature Expansive Reward Learning: Rethinking Human Input00.342021
FaSTrack:A Modular Framework for Real-Time Motion Planning and Guaranteed Safe Tracking10.342021
An Iterative Quadratic Method for General-Sum Differential Games with Feedback Linearizable Dynamics00.342020
Local Differential Privacy for Multi-Agent Distributed Optimal Power Flow00.342020
Adaptive Control for Linearizable Systems Using On-Policy Reinforcement Learning00.342020
Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation for State-Constrained Optimal Control and Zero-Sum Game Problems.00.342020
Global Asymptotic Stability and Stabilization of Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks with Constant Weights and Biases00.342019
Regression-based Inverter Control for Decentralized Optimal Power Flow and Voltage Regulation.00.342019
An Efficient Reachability-Based Framework for Provably Safe Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Environments.10.352019
Incorporating Safety Into Parametric Dynamic Movement Primitives00.342019
Frequency Regulation in Hybrid Power Dynamics with Variable and Low Inertia due to Renewable Energy.00.342018
Robust Tracking with Model Mismatch for Fast and Safe Planning - An SOS Optimization Approach.10.372018
Data-Driven Decentralized Optimal Power Flow.20.412018
Classification-based Approximate Reachability with Guarantees Applied to Safe Trajectory Tracking.10.372018
On The Analysis Of Cyclic Drug Schedules For Cancer Treatment Using Switched Dynamical Systems10.392018
Estimation and Targeting of Residential Households for Hour-Ahead Demand Response Interventions – A Case Study in California00.342018
Milligram-Scale Micro Aerial Vehicle Design For Low-Voltage Operation00.342018
Hedging strategies for load-serving entities in wholesale electricity markets00.342017
Variance-Constrained Risk Sharing in Stochastic Systems.00.342017
Fully Decentralized Policies for Multi-Agent Systems: An Information Theoretic Approach.70.502017
A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach for Online Expert Selection in Markov Decision Processes.10.362017
Provably Safe and Robust Drone Routing via Sequential Path Planning: A Case Study in San Francisco and the Bay Area.00.342017
Safe Sequential Path Planning Under Disturbances And Imperfect Information00.342017
Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Games via Pairwise Outcomes.140.722017
How Peer Effects Influence Energy Consumption00.342017
Eliciting Private User Information for Residential Demand Response.10.352017
Incentive Design in Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study on Demand Response in California.00.342017
Countering Feedback Delays in Multi-Agent Learning.10.362017
Fastrack: A Modular Framework For Fast And Guaranteed Safe Motion Planning110.652017
Identification Of Nonlinear Sparse Networks Using Sparse Bayesian Learning20.402017
Estimating Treatment Effects of a Residential Demand Response Program Using Non-experimental Data10.432017
On Identification of Distribution Grids.50.462017
A Sequential Approximation Framework for Coded Distributed Optimization.20.392017
A Bayesian Perspective on Residential Demand Response Using Smart Meter Data.40.552016
Ensuring Safety For Sampled Data Systems: An Efficient Algorithm For Filtering Potentially Unsafe Input Signals00.342016
Cooperative pursuit with Voronoi partitions.200.902016
On Identification of Sparse Multivariable ARX Model: A Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach.00.342016
On Identification of Dynamical Structure Functions: A Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach.00.342016
Residential Demand Response Targeting Using Machine Learning With Observational Data50.612016
Control of Supermarket Refrigeration Systems via Online Combinatorial Optimization.00.342016
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