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Preface: Ninth workshop on graph classes, optimization, and Width Parameters, Vienna, Austria00.342022
Computational Complexity of Covering Multigraphs with Semi-Edges - Small Cases.00.342021
The Stub Resolution of 1-planar Graphs.00.342021
Cops, a fast robber and defensive domination on interval graphs00.342019
Homothetic polygons and beyond: Maximal cliques in intersection graphs.00.342018
3-connected reduction for regular graph covers30.372018
Bounded Stub Resolution for Some Maximal 1-Planar Graphs.00.342018
Algorithms and Characterizations for 2-Layer Fan-planarity: From Caterpillar to Stegosaurus.50.402017
Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity00.342016
Computational complexity of covering three-vertex multigraphs.00.342016
Algorithmic Aspects of Regular Graph Covers.10.352016
Distance constrained labeling on graphs with bounded neighborhood diversity.00.342015
2-Layer Fan-Planarity: From Caterpillar to Stegosaurus.00.342015
Homothetic Polygons and Beyond: Intersection Graphs, Recognition, and Maximum Clique.00.342014
Guest editors' foreword.00.342014
Planar Embeddings with Small and Uniform Faces.00.342014
Algorithmic Aspects of Regular Graph Covers with Applications to Planar Graphs.50.422014
Completion of the Mixed Unit Interval Graphs Hierarchy.00.342014
The Planar Slope Number of Planar Partial 3-Trees of Bounded Degree60.592013
Linear-time Algorithm for Partial Representation Extension of Interval Graphs.30.432013
Determining the L(2, 1)L(2, 1)-span in polynomial space.00.342013
Parameterized complexity of generalized domination problems80.502012
Cluster vertex deletion: a parameterization between vertex cover and clique-width160.702012
Determining the l(2,1)-span in polynomial space10.372012
Bend-bounded path intersection graphs: sausages, noodles, and waffles on a grill70.602012
Distance three labelings of trees50.482012
A note on planar partial 3-trees00.342012
MSOL restricted contractibility to planar graphs10.382012
Extending partial representations of subclasses of chordal graphs50.482012
Non-crossing Connectors in the Plane30.482012
Parameterized Problems Related to Seidel's Switching30.512011
Exact Algorithms for (2,1)-Labeling of Graphs201.022011
Parameterized complexity of coloring problems: Treewidth versus vertex cover261.062011
Extending partial representations of interval graphs120.632011
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science - 37th International Workshop, WG 2011, Teplá Monastery, Czech Republic, June 21-24, 2011. Revised Papers301.422011
Fast exact algorithm for L(2, 1)-labeling of graphs70.522011
Faithful representations of graphs by islands in the extended grid30.472010
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 7th Annual Conference, TAMC 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, June 7-11, 2010. Proceedings291.962010
On the computational complexity of degenerate unit distance representations of graphs10.392010
Sort and Search: Exact algorithms for generalized domination30.402009
Clustered Planarity: Small Clusters in Cycles and Eulerian Graphs120.572009
Untangling a Planar Graph.90.832009
On the computation of the hull number of a graph371.582009
Combinatorial Algorithms: 20th International Workshop, IWOCA 2009, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, June 28---July 2, 2009, Revised Selected Papers465.762009
Locally constrained graph homomorphisms-structure, complexity, and applications200.802008
Generalized domination in degenerate graphs: a complete dichotomy of computational complexity20.372008
Computational Complexity of the Distance Constrained Labeling Problem for Trees (Extended Abstract)110.612008
On tractability of Cops and Robbers game180.922008
Clustered Planarity: Embedded Clustered Graphs with Two-Component Clusters120.602008
Distance constrained labelings of trees20.392008
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