Boston Univ, Ctr Polymer Studies, Boston, MA 02215 USA
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A New Look at Calendar Anomalies: Multifractality and Day-of-the-Week Effect00.342022
Spatiotemporal Input Control: Leveraging Temporal Variation in Network Dynamics00.342022
A Matrix Factorization Model for Hellinger-Based Trust Management in Social Internet of Things00.342022
A New Look at Calendar Anomalies: Multifractality and Day-of-the-Week Effect00.342022
Comparison of Econometric Models and Artificial Neural Networks Algorithms for the Prediction of Baltic Dry Index.10.342019
A novel hybrid approach to Baltic Dry Index forecasting based on a combined dynamic fluctuation network and artificial intelligence method.00.342019
P-Tensor Product In Compressed Sensing00.342019
Heterogeneous Graph Based Similarity Measure For Categorical Data Unsupervised Learning00.342019
Predicting the Rise of EU Right-Wing Populism in Response to Unbalanced Immigration00.342017
Social contagions with communication channels alternation on multiplex networks.20.352017
$k$-core percolation on complex networks: Comparing random, localized and targeted attacks.10.362016
Localized attack on clustering networks.10.392016
Modeling Confirmation Bias And Polarization10.352016
Echo chambers in the age of misinformation30.432015
The Cost of Attack in Competing Networks.30.472015
NetSci High: Bringing Network Science Research to High Schools.30.562014
Predicting Lifetime of Dynamical Networks Experiencing Persistent Random Attacks.00.342014
Competing For Attention In Social Media Under Information Overload Conditions140.602014
Calling Patterns In Human Communication Dynamics542.682013
Robustness of Network of Networks with Interdependent and Interconnected links.10.352013
Triple point in correlated interdependent networks10.372013
Persistence And Uncertainty In The Academic Career221.732012
The robustness of interdependent clustered networks151.142012
Non-consensus opinion models on complex networks70.872012
Languages Cool As They Expand: Allometric Scaling And The Decreasing Need For New Words392.322012
Epidemics On Interconnected Networks382.112012
Cascading Failures In Interdependent Lattice Networks: The Critical Role Of The Length Of Dependency Links261.762012
Preferential Attachment in the Interaction between Dynamically Generated Interdependent Networks40.552012
Strategy Of Competition Between Two Groups Based On An Inflexible Contrarian Opinion Model70.722011
Statistical Laws Governing Fluctuations In Word Use From Word Birth To Word Death272.352011
Statistical Regularities In The Rank-Citation Profile Of Scientists191.112011
Robustness Of Onionlike Correlated Networks Against Targeted Attacks171.252011
Robustness Of A Network Formed By N Interdependent Networks With A One-To-One Correspondence Of Dependent Nodes140.982011
Robustness Of A Network Of Networks653.552010
Robustness Of Interdependent Networks Under Targeted Attack191.282010
Quarantine-Generated Phase Transition In Epidemic Spreading70.782010
Catastrophic Cascade of Failures in Interdependent Networks704.932010
Cascade Of Failures In Coupled Network Systems With Multiple Support-Dependence Relations131.042010
Return Intervals Approach to Financial Fluctuations10.512009
Cluster Monte Carlo and numerical mean field analysis for the water liquid–liquid phase transition00.342009
Transport in networks with multiple sources and sinks00.342008
Optimal Path And Minimal Spanning Trees In Random Weighted Networks100.932007
Communication Bottlenecks in Scale-Free Networks00.342006
Discrete Molecular Dynamics Study of Alzheimer Amyloid B-protein (AB) Folding00.342006
Scaling phenomena in the growth dynamics of scientific output30.882005
DNA visual and analytic data mining1016.121997
A Possible Origin of Power-Law Behavior in n-Tuple Zipf Analysis10.361996
Learning Fractals by "Doing Science": Applying Cognitive Apprenticeship Strategies to Curriculum Design and Instruction10.481992