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Computing the Characteristic Polynomial of Generic Toeplitz-like and Hankel-like Matrices.00.342021
Computing An Lll-Reduced Basis Of The Orthogonal Lattice00.342018
On Computing The Resultant Of Generic Bivariate Polynomials10.372018
Fast computation of approximant bases in canonical form.00.342018
Polynomial Time Interactive Proofs for Linear Algebra with Exponential Matrix Dimensions and Scalars Given by Polynomial Time Circuits.00.342017
Fast computation of minimal interpolation bases in Popov form for arbitrary shifts.80.472016
Linear Time Interactive Certificates for the Minimal Polynomial and the Determinant of a Sparse Matrix.60.542016
Computing minimal interpolation bases.40.442015
LLL reducing with the most significant bits30.422014
Faster Algorithms for Multivariate Interpolation With Multiplicities and Simultaneous Polynomial Approximations120.602014
A new view on HJLS and PSLQ: sums and projections of lattices40.482013
Perturbation Analysis of the QR factor R in the context of LLL lattice basis reduction.90.742012
Kaltofen's division-free determinant algorithm differentiated for matrix adjoint computation00.342011
An LLL-reduction algorithm with quasi-linear time complexity: extended abstract231.142011
Recent progress in linear algebra and lattice basis reduction00.342011
Analyse numérique et réduction de réseaux00.342010
Extending Cardinal's algorithm to a broader class of structured matrices00.342009
A New Binary Floating-Point Division Algorithm and Its Software Implementation on the ST231 Processor50.962009
H-LLL: using householder inside LLL171.002009
Differentiation of Kaltofen's division-free determinant algorithm00.342008
From an LLL-reduced basis to another40.472008
Certification of the QR factor R and of lattice basis reducedness80.822007
Faster inversion and other black box matrix computations using efficient block projections160.822007
Some recent progress in exact linear algebra and related questions10.372007
Normal forms for general polynomial matrices311.812006
Solving Sparse Integer Linear Systems20.382006
Solving sparse rational linear systems190.862006
Computing the Kalman form00.342005
Computing the rank and a small nullspace basis of a polynomial matrix191.252005
Asymptotically Fast Polynomial Matrix Algorithms For Multivariable Systems90.712005
Essentially optimal computation of the inverse of generic polynomial matrices161.252005
Lattice-Based Memory Allocation512.052005
On the complexity of computing determinants635.412005
On the complexity of polynomial matrix computations743.642003
On efficient sparse integer matrix Smith normal form computations414.052001
Processor efficient parallel solution of linear systems of equations10.372000
Integer Smith form via the valence: experience with large sparse matrices from homology121.202000
Shifted normal forms of polynomial matrices221.641999
Global Error Visualization00.341998
Block solution of sparse linear systems over GF (q): the singular case10.381998
Fast Parallel Algorithms for Matrix Reduction to Normal Forms.60.661997
Fast Parallel Computation of the Jordan Normal Form of Matrices30.411996
Forword to the Special Issue on Real Numbers and Computers00.341996
Regular versus Irregular Problems and Algorithms110.821995
Generalized subresultants for computing the Smith normal form of polynomial matrices121.361995
Parallel Computations with Algebraic Numbers - A Case Study: Jordan Normal Form of Matrices50.511994
A New Load-Prediction Scheme Based on Algorithmic Cost Functions20.631994
Fast parallel computation of the Smith normal form of polynomial matrices50.511994
Computation of the Smith normal form of polynomial matrices30.471993
Cost Prediction for Load Balancing: Application to Algebraic Computations20.411992
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