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Incidence Angle Diversity on L-Band Microwave Radiometry and Its Impact on Consistent Soil Moisture Retrievals.00.342021
Biomass End-to-End PErformance Simulator - Description of the Ionosphere Module.00.342021
Possible Evidence of Earthquake Precursors Observed in Ionospheric Scintillation Events Observed from Spaceborne GNSS-R Data.00.342021
Determination of the Sea Surface Salinity Error Budget in the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission40.482010
Angular and Radiometric Resolution of Y-Shaped Nonuniform Synthetic Aperture Radiometers for Earth Observation50.562008
Brightness Temperature Retrievals from the Small Airborne MIRAS00.342008
Improving the Spatial Resolution of Synthetic Aperture Radiometer Imagery using Auxiliary Information: Application to the Smos Mission00.342008
Empirical Determination Of The Soil Emissivity At L-Band: Effects Of Soil Moisture, Soil Roughness, Vine Canopy, And Topography30.472007
Surface Topography and Mixed-Pixel Effects on the Simulated L-Band Brightness Temperatures100.912007
MIRAS In-Orbit Calibration20.512007
PAU One-Receiver Ground-based and Airbone Instruments10.552007
Denormalization of visibilities for in-orbit calibration of interferometric radiometers161.622006
Considerations about antenna pattern measurements of 2-D aperture synthesis radiometers40.562006
Soil moisture retrieval errors using l-band radiometry induced by the soil type variability30.882005
Analysis of correlation and total power radiometer front-ends using noise waves162.142005
SMOS REFLEX 2003: L-band emissivity characterization of vineyards151.822005
Impact on sea surface salinity retrieval of multi-source auxiliary data within the SMOS mission10.432005
MIRAS end-to-end calibration: application to SMOS L1 processor486.482005
The emissivity of foam-covered water surface at L-band: theoretical modeling and experimental results from the FROG 2003 field experiment212.102005
Performance of sea surface salinity and soil moisture retrieval algorithms with different auxiliary datasets in 2-D L-band aperture synthesis interferometric radiometers151.282005
L-band dielectric properties of different soil types collected during the mouse 2004 field experiment40.662005
Polarimetric Formulation of the Visibility Function Equation Including Cross-Polar Antenna Patterns91.092005
The impact of antenna pattern frequency dependence in aperture synthesis microwave radiometers81.492005
The WISE 2000 and 2001 field experiments in support of the SMOS mission: sea surface L-band brightness temperature observations and their application to sea surface salinity retrieval.577.622004
Sea surface brightness temperature at L-band: impact of surface currents10.392004
Wind speed effect on L-band brightness temperature inferred from EuroSTARRS and WISE 2001 field experiments191.752004
Systematic Noise Analysis Of A Correlation Radiometer Front-End00.342004
The visibility function in interferometric aperture synthesis radiometry10412.402004
Sun effects in 2-D aperture synthesis radiometry imaging and their cancelation263.142004
Sea state effect on the sea surface emissivity at L-band112.072003
Estimation Of Sea Surface Spectrum Under Non-Stationary Conditions00.342003
Full polarimetric emissivity of vegetation-covered soils: vegetation structure effects50.982002
Sea surface emissivity observations at L-band: first results of the Wind and Salinity Experiment WISE 20002210.822002
Corrections To "Radiometric Sensitivity Computation In Aperture Synthesis Interferometric Radiometry"30.651998
On-board phase and modulus calibration of large aperture synthesis radiometers: study applied to MIRAS3318.631996