Sci. Syst. & Applic., Inc., Lanham, MD, USA
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On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of NOAA-20 VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands00.342022
Improved Lunar Irradiance Model Using Multiyear MODIS Lunar Observations00.342021
Ten Years Of Snpp Viirs Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration And Performance00.342021
SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration Using the Moon00.342021
SNPP VIIRS Day Night Band: Ten Years of On-Orbit Calibration and Performance00.342021
MODIS and VIIRS Calibration and Characterization in Support of Producing Long-Term High-Quality Data Products.00.342020
Multi-Sensor Ocean Color Data Fusion and Applications.00.342019
New On-Orbit Calibration Approach of SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Using the Full Profile of Direct Solar Illumination of Solar Diffuser00.342019
NOAA-20 VIIRS reflective solar bands on-orbit calibration using solar diffuser and solar diffuser stability monitor.00.342018
MODIS cross-talk effects and areas of potential performance differences for Terra from Aqua characteristics.00.342018
Evaluation of early NOAA-20 VIIRS RSB radiometric performance using intercomparison with Aqua MODIS.00.342018
A Low-Power Pipelined-SAR ADC Using Boosted Bucket-Brigade Device for Residue Charge Processing.00.342018
On-orbit RSB calibration of SNPP VIIRS using the full illumination profile of solar diffuser.00.342018
SNPP VIIRS reflective solar bands on-orbit calibration six-year update: extension and improvements.00.342018
Radiometric Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS Band M11 via Sub-Kilometer Intercomparison with Aqua MODIS Band 7 over Snowy Scenes.00.342018
RSB calibration of SNPP VIIRS using solar diffuser illuminated by scattered light.00.342017
Crosstalk Effect in SNPP VIIRS.00.342017
Crosstalk effect and its mitigation in Aqua MODIS middle wave infrared bands.00.342017
Suomi-NPP VIIRS initial reprocessing improvements and validations in the reflective solar bands (RSBs).00.342017
The curious case of the intersensor radiometric comparison of SNPP VIIRS M11 with Aqua MODIS B7.00.342017
Improvements in the calibration of the SNPP VIIRS day-night band (Conference Presentation).00.342017
The inter-sensor radiometric comparison of SNPP VIIRS reflective solar bands with Aqua MODIS updated through June 2017.00.342017
Electronic crosstalk effect in SNPP VIIRS thermal emissive bands (Conference Presentation).00.342017
Investigation and Mitigation of the Crosstalk Effect in Terra MODIS Band 30.00.342016
VIIRS reflective solar bands on-orbit calibration five-year update: extension and improvements.00.342016
Electronic Crosstalk in Aqua MODIS Long-Wave Infrared Photovoltaic Bands.00.342016
VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Progress and Its Impact on Ocean Color Products.00.342016
An exposition on the solar diffuser degradation non-uniformity effect for SNPP VIIRS and Terra/Aqua MODIS.00.342016
Radiometric evaluation of the SNPP VIIRS reflective solar band sensor data records via inter-sensor comparison with Aqua MODIS.00.342016
Lunar Calibration and Performance for S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands50.572016
Viirs Ocean Color Products: A Progress Update10.382016
Improvement in the cloud mask for Terra MODIS mitigated by electronic crosstalk correction in the 6.7 μm and 8.5 μm channels.00.342016
Electronic crosstalk in Terra MODIS thermal emissive bands10.512015
Prelaunch Radiometric Characterization and Calibration of the S-NPP VIIRS Sensor102.132015
Viirs Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration Using The Moon00.342015
Electronic crosstalk characterization of Terra MODIS long wave infrared channels00.342015
Viirs Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration Using Solar Diffuser And Solar Diffuser Stability Monitor00.342015
Viirs Ocean Color Research And Applications30.512015
An Efficient Approach for VIIRS RDR to SDR Data Processing00.342014
Evaluation of Radiometric Improvements With Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Terra MODIS Band 2780.872014
Monitoring the Terra and Aqua MODIS RSB calibration using scattered light from the Nadir-port00.342014
On-chip demultiplexing of polarization and wavelength multiplexed OFDM/OQAM 64/128-QAM signals using silicon 2D grating coupler and microring resonators10.482014
Terra MODIS Band 27 Electronic Crosstalk Effect and Its Removal121.282014
Time-Dependent Response Versus Scan Angle for MODIS Reflective Solar Bands00.342014
Status of time-dependent response versus scan-angle (RVS) for Terra and Aqua MODIS reflective solar bands00.342014
Statistical analysis of the electronic crosstalk correction in Terra MODIS Band 2710.372014
Status of MODIS instrument and radiometric calibration00.342013
MODIS radiometric calibration program, methods and results30.632012
On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Aqua MODIS Reflective Solar Bands51.302010
Status of Terra and Aqua MODIS instruments00.342010
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