Queen Mary Univ London, Dept Elect Engn, London E1 4NS, England
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DnS: Distill-and-Select for Efficient and Accurate Video Indexing and Retrieval00.342022
CovMix: Covariance Mixing Regularization for Motor Imagery Decoding00.342022
MultiMedia Modeling - 27th International Conference, MMM 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-24, 2021, Proceedings, Part I.00.342021
AC-SUM-GAN: Connecting Actor-Critic and Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization00.342021
Few-Shot Action Localization without Knowing Boundaries00.342021
WarpedGANSpace - Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space.00.342021
AMIGOS: A Dataset for Affect, Personality and Mood Research on Individuals and Groups200.752021
Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks And Fast Adaptive Bi-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition For Style Transfer00.342020
Performance over Random: A Robust Evaluation Protocol for Video Summarization Methods10.352020
TARN: Temporal Attentive Relation Network for Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Action Recognition00.342019
Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation30.422019
Detecting Tampered Videos with Multimedia Forensics and Deep Learning.00.342019
Alone versus In-a-group: A Multi-modal Framework for Automatic Affect Recognition10.352019
Your Fellows Matter: Affect Analysis across Subjects in Group Videos10.352019
FIVR: Fine-grained Incident Video Retrieval.20.402018
A Multi-Task Cascaded Network for Prediction of Affect, Personality, Mood and Social Context Using EEG Signals20.422018
Visual and Audio Analysis of Movies Video for Emotion Detection @ Emotional Impact of Movies Task MediaEval 2018.00.342018
SchiNet: Automatic Estimation of Symptoms of Schizophrenia from Facial Behaviour Analysis10.352018
Semi-supervised Fisher vector network.00.342018
LikeNet: A Siamese Motion Estimation Network Trained in an Unsupervised Way.00.342018
ITI-CERTH participation in TRECVID 2017.00.342017
Query and Keyframe Representations for Ad-hoc Video Search.80.502017
Concept Language Models and Event-based Concept Number Selection for Zero-example Event Detection.20.392017
Background modelling based on generative unet20.342017
Gaze movement-driven random forests for query clustering in automatic video annotation.10.352017
Generic to Specific Recognition Models for Membership Analysis in Group Videos10.352017
Comparison of Fine-Tuning and Extension Strategies for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.90.542017
AMIGOS: A dataset for Mood, personality and affect research on Individuals and GrOupS.00.342017
SmileNet: Registration-Free Smiling Face Detection In The Wild.00.342017
Discriminative convolutional Fisher vector network for action recognition.10.402017
Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval by Aggregating Intermediate CNN Layers.60.432017
Action recognition using saliency learned from recorded human gaze.30.452016
Special Issue on Individual and Group Activities in Video Event Analysis.00.342016
Video Event Detection Using Kernel Support Vector Machine with Isotropic Gaussian Sample Uncertainty (KSVM-iGSU).20.362016
Deep Multi-task Learning with Label Correlation Constraint for Video Concept Detection.60.422016
Action Recognition Using Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines.00.342016
VERGE: A Multimodal Interactive Search Engine for Video Browsing and Retrieval.10.432016
Alone versus In-a-group: A Comparative Analysis of Facial Affect Recognition.60.472016
Cascade of forests for face alignment30.392015
DECAF: MEG-based Multimodal Database for Decoding Affective Physiological Responses401.242015
Identifying valence and arousal levels via connectivity between EEG channels50.492015
Random Subspace Supervised Descent Method for Regression Problems in Computer Vision40.382015
VERGE: A Multimodal Interactive Video Search Engine.10.352015
A flexible calibration method of multiple Kinects for 3D human reconstruction20.632015
Inference of personality traits and affect schedule by analysis of spontaneous reactions to affective videos80.512015
Face Alignment Assisted by Head Pose Estimation190.682015
Concept Detection in Multimedia Web Resources About Home Made Explosives10.372015
Face Sketch Landmarks Localization in the Wild110.542014
Multimodal random forest based tensor regression10.402014
Structured Semi-supervised Forest for Facial Landmarks Localization with Face Mask Reasoning.40.432014
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