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Business-IT Alignment Anti-Patterns - A Thought from an Empirical Point of View.00.342021
Towards a digital twin for cyber-physical production systems: a multi-paradigm modeling approach in the postal industry00.342020
“Functional-First” Recommendations for Beneficial Microservices Migration and Integration Lessons Learned from an Industrial Experience10.362019
Preface to the 13th Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME2019)00.342019
Industry 4.0 and Service Companies - The Case of the French Postal Service.00.342018
Recommendation patterns for business process imperative modeling.10.362017
A Semi-Automated Approach for the Co-Refinement of Requirements and Architecture Models.00.342017
From Monolith to Microservices: Lessons Learned on an Industrial Migration to a Web Oriented Architecture80.582017
HACS: A Hybrid Framework for Continuous Flexible and Controlled Architecting.00.342017
Evolution Patterns: Designing and Reusing Architectural Evolution Knowledge to Introduce Architectural Styles.00.342016
A pattern-based approach for workflow interconnection and flexibility support10.352015
An approach based on extending the RUP for dealing with anticipated changes in ontogenetic software systems00.342015
Introduction to the SoSyM theme issue on models and evolution10.382014
Variability as a service: outsourcing variability management in multi-tenant saas applications70.482012
Patrons de Coopération à base de Services pour l'Adaptabilité des Modèles de Workflow.00.342012
Summary of the 6th International Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME 2012)00.342012
Gestion de la variabilité dans les applications SaaS multi-locataire .10.352012
Interconnecting Workflows Using Services: An Approach for "Case Transfer" with Centralized Control.10.352012
Adaptability of Service Based Workflow Models: The "Chained Execution" Architecture.10.362012
Service based Approach for Adaptability of Workflow Models - The Subcontracting Architecture .00.342012
Summary of the second international workshop on models and evolution00.342011
Une approche basée SOA pour l'inteconnexion de workflows : application au « transfert de cas ».00.342011
Decoupling variability management in multi-tenant SaaS applications40.442011
Reusing Evolution Practices onto Object-Oriented Designs: an Experiment with Evolution Styles10.362010
Evolution Styles To Capitalize Evolution Expertise Within Software Architectures10.352010
Models and evolution: ME201000.342010
ETAK: tailoring architectural evolution by (re-)using architectural knowledge40.392010
Guiding Architectural Restructuring through Architectural Styles180.862010
Amélioration de la qualité de modèles. Une étude de deux approches complémentaires00.342010
“Models and evolution”: joint MoDSE-MCCM 2009 workshop on model-driven software evolution (MoDSE) model co-evolution and consistency management (MCCM)00.342009
Evolution Shelf: Reusing Evolution Expertise within Component-Based Software Architectures150.702008
Extraction of Component-Based Architecture from Object-Oriented Systems150.712008
CSMR 2008 Workshop Overview for MoDSE: 2nd Workshop on Model-Driven Software Evolution00.342008
Extraction métaheuristique d'une architecture à base de composants à partir d'un système orienté objet.00.342008
Extraction d'une architecture à base de composants depuis un système orienté objet. Une approche dirigée par les propriétés de qualité00.342008
Search-Based Extraction of Component-Based Architecture from Object-Oriented Systems80.502008
Evolution Shelf: Exploiting Evolution Styles within Software Architectures10.362008
Evolution styles to the rescue of architectural evolution knowledge120.622008
Connectors conveying Software Architecture Evolution30.462007
Extraction d'Architecture à Base de Composants d'un Système Orienté Objet00.342007
SAEV, une solution à l'évolution structurelle dans les architectures logicielles00.342007
Updating Styles Challenge Updating Needs within Component-based Software Architectures10.362006
Evolution d'Architectures à base de Composants par Transformation de Graphes00.342006
Updating Software Architectures : A Style-Based Approach100.552006
SAEV - a model to face Evolution Problem in Software Architecture.00.342006
Evolution problem within Component-Based Software Architecture40.472006
1er Conférence francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL 2006), 4-6 September 2006, Nantes, France236.242006
Software Architecture Evolution: Description and Management Process00.342005
A unified Approach for Software Architecture Evolution at different abstraction levels80.602005
How to manage uniformly software architecture at different abstraction levels50.462005
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