Univ Wisconsin, Dept Math, Madison, WI 53706 USA
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HyAR: Addressing Discrete-Continuous Action Reinforcement Learning via Hybrid Action Representation00.342022
Toward Understanding The Boundary Propagation Speeds In Tumor Growth Models00.342021
Deep Fusion of Brain Structure-Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment00.342021
Few-shot SAR automatic target recognition based on Conv-BiLSTM prototypical network10.362021
Accurate Front Capturing Asymptotic Preserving Scheme For Nonlinear Gray Radiative Transfer Equation00.342021
Hybrid Inference Network for Few-Shot SAR Automatic Target Recognition10.362021
Analytical travel time models for single and double command of multi-aisle automated storage and retrieval system.00.342020
A fast and high accurate image copy-move forgery detection approach10.352020
New estimates of upper bounds for the solutions of the continuous algebraic Riccati equation and the redundant control inputs problems00.342020
Spatio-Temporal Deformable Convolution For Compressed Video Quality Enhancement00.342020
A novel robust image watermarking in quaternion wavelet domain based on superpixel segmentation00.342020
A particle method for the homogeneous Landau equation00.342020
A Study on Radar Target Detection Based on Broad Learning System.00.342020
A Method From Offline Analysis To Online Training For The Brain-Computer Interface Based On Motor Imagery And Speech Imagery00.342020
A Spatial RNN Codec for End-to-End Image Compression00.342020
Contourlet domain locally optimum image watermark decoder using Cauchy mixtures based vector HMT model10.352020
Temporal-spatial-frequency depth extraction of brain-computer interface based on mental tasks10.412020
Sequence SAR Image Classification Based on Bidirectional Convolution-Recurrent Network10.362019
Multi-modal graph regularization based class center discriminant analysis for cross modal retrieval00.342019
HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion.00.342019
Setwise intersecting families in classical Coxeter groups.00.342019
Detecting daytime and nighttime land surface temperature anomalies using thermal infrared remote sensing in Dandong geothermal prospect00.342019
Object-Aware Hybrid Map for Indoor Robot Visual Semantic Navigation.00.342019
A Cascaded Multi-modality Analysis in Mild Cognitive Impairment.00.342019
An Asymptotic-Preserving Scheme for the Kinetic Equation with Anisotropic Scattering: Heavy Tail Equilibrium and Degenerate Collision Frequency.00.342019
Coupled feature selection based semi-supervised modality-dependent cross-modal retrieval10.352019
Analyzing Mild Cognitive Impairment Progression Via Multi-View Structural Learning00.342019
Accessing Latent Connectome of Mild Cognitive Impairment via Discriminant Structure Learning00.342019
An Optimal Rewiring Strategy for Cooperative Multiagent Social Learning00.342019
Enhancing Hevc Spatial Prediction By Context-Based Learning00.342019
Disentangling Dynamics and Returns: Value Function Decomposition with Future Prediction.00.342019
Development of an Automated Screening System for Retinopathy of Prematurity Using a Deep Neural Network for Wide-Angle Retinal Images.00.342019
Vehicle Detection Based on Drone Images with the Improved Faster R-CNN10.342019
Locally optimum image watermark decoder by modeling NSCT domain difference coefficients with vector based Cauchy distribution.10.352019
Robust Pol-ISAR Target Recognition Based on ST-MC-DCNN00.342019
Realized Laplace transforms for pure jump semimartingales with presence of microstructure noise00.342019
SAR ATR of Ground Vehicles Based on LM-BN-CNN.10.362018
Entropic sub-cell shock capturing schemes via Jin-Xin relaxation and Glimm front sampling for scalar conservation laws.00.342018
Analysis Of Middlemen'S Decisions On Production And Business Models In The E-Commerce Environment00.342018
LDPC coded DBICM Scheme for Two Way Relay Channel with a Pipeline Decoding Structure00.342018
Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals.822.352018
Histogram Domain Ordering for Path Selectivity Estimation.00.342018
Smartphone-based Pedestrian Localization Algorithm using Phone Camera and Location Coded Targets00.342018
Positivity-preserving and asymptotic preserving method for 2D Keller-Segal equations.60.442018
Learning Multiviewpoint Context-Aware Representation for RGB-D Scene Classification.30.392018
Time-Frequency-Space Range of EEG Selected by NMI for BCIs.00.342018
An Assessment Method of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mission Planning Quality Based on Bayesian Network.00.342018
Rapid Reconstruction of a Three-Dimensional Mesh Model Based on Oblique Images in the Internet of Things.00.342018
On k-resonance of plane 4-8 lattices.00.342018
Enhancement of HfO2 Based RRAM Performance Through Hexagonal Boron Nitride Interface Layer00.342018
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