Fudan Univ, Sch Comp Sci, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China
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Improving the Reliability for Confidence Estimation.00.342022
IGFormer: Interaction Graph Transformer for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition.00.342022
A spatial attentive and temporal dilated (SATD) GCN for skeleton-based action recognition00.342022
Skeleton-based relational reasoning for group activity analysis00.342022
GradAuto: Energy-Oriented Attack on Dynamic Neural Networks.00.342022
Interaction Relational Network for Mutual Action Recognition10.372022
Meta Spatio-Temporal Debiasing for Video Scene Graph Generation.00.342022
Meta Agent Teaming Active Learning for Pose Estimation.00.342022
Disentangled Feature Learning Network and a Comprehensive Benchmark for Vehicle Re-Identification00.342022
ERA: Expert Retrieval and Assembly for Early Action Prediction.00.342022
Uncertainty Modeling for Out-of-Distribution Generalization00.342022
Global-Local Label Correlation for Partial Multi-Label Learning00.342022
Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Specialization Learning for Fine-Grained Action Recognition.00.342022
Animal Kingdom: A Large and Diverse Dataset for Animal Behavior Understanding.00.342022
REMOTE: Reinforced Motion Transformation Network for Semi-supervised 2D Pose Estimation in Videos.00.342022
Dual Prototype Contrastive learning with Fourier Generalization for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification00.342022
Person30K: A Dual-Meta Generalization Network for Person Re-Identification00.342021
Robust Face Alignment by Multi-Order High-Precision Hourglass Network20.372021
UAV-Human: A Large Benchmark for Human Behavior Understanding with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles00.342021
A Unified 3D Human Motion Synthesis Model via Conditional Variational Auto-Encoder∗.00.342021
Knowledge-aware deep framework for collaborative skin lesion segmentation and melanoma recognition20.362021
Motion Adaptive Pose Estimation from Compressed Videos.00.342021
Generalizable Person Re-identification with Relevance-aware Mixture of Experts00.342021
Interaction via Bi-directional Graph of Semantic Region Affinity for Scene Parsing.00.342021
Skeleton Cloud Colorization for Unsupervised 3D Action Representation Learning.00.342021
The Multi-Modal Video Reasoning and Analyzing Competition00.342021
IDM - An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID.00.342021
SUTD-TrafficQA: A Question Answering Benchmark and an Efficient Network for Video Reasoning over Traffic Events00.342021
Else-Net - Elastic Semantic Network for Continual Action Recognition from Skeleton Data.00.342021
Interventional Video Grounding with Dual Contrastive Learning10.352021
Disentangled Feature Learning Network for Vehicle Re-Identification20.412020
Bi-Directional Dermoscopic Feature Learning And Multi-Scale Consistent Decision Fusion For Skin Lesion Segmentation20.362020
Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion Handling for Robust Object Tracking in RGB-D Videos40.552019
Veri-Wild: A Large Dataset And A New Method For Vehicle Re-Identification In The Wild70.442019
Exploiting Spatial-Temporal Relationships For 3d Pose Estimation Via Graph Convolutional Networks110.572019
Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification.140.682019
Skeleton-Based Online Action Prediction Using Scale Selection Network.150.662019
Interaction Recognition Through Body Parts Relation Reasoning00.342019
NTU RGB+D 120: A Large-Scale Benchmark for 3D Human Activity Understanding320.962019
Physical blob detector and Multi-Channel Color Shape Descriptor for human detection.10.352018
Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal LSTM Network with Trust Gates.601.402018
Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition With Global Context-Aware Attention LSTM Networks.541.492018
Robust 3-D Human Detection in Complex Environments With a Depth Camera.30.442018
Joint Human Detection and Head Pose Estimation via Multistream Networks for RGB-D Videos.70.472017
Deep Level Sets for Salient Object Detection260.652017
Cloud of Line Distribution for Arbitrary Text Detection in Scene/Video/License Plate Images.00.342017
Skeleton Based Human Action Recognition with Global Context-Aware Attention LSTM Networks.00.342017
Robust Real-Time Human Perception with Depth Camera.40.392016
Spatio-Temporal Lstm With Trust Gates For 3d Human Action Recognition1793.892016
Ntu Rgb Plus D: A Large Scale Dataset For 3d Human Activity Analysis2063.802016
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