fudan university
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Deep Multiview Union Learning Network for Multisource Image Classification00.342022
A Stochastic Approximation Method For Probability Prediction Of Docking Success For Aerial Refueling00.342021
Global Autonomous Positioning in GNSS-Challenged Environments: A Bioinspired Strategy by Polarization Pattern00.342021
Robotic Communications for 5G and Beyond: Challenges and Research Opportunities10.342021
Alpha-divergence minimization with mixed variational posterior for Bayesian neural networks and its robustness against adversarial examples10.392021
Variational multimodal machine translation with underlying semantic alignment10.362021
Research On Indoor Uwb Positioning Based On Expectation Maximization In Nlos Environment00.342021
Understanding and Optimizing Conjunctive Predicates Under Memory-Efficient Storage Layouts00.342021
Maximizing Sampling Data Upload in Ambient Backscatter-Assisted Wireless-Powered Networks00.342021
Multi-Scale Aggregation Graph Neural Networks Based On Feature Similarity For Semi-Supervised Learning00.342021
Sparse Coding Of Intra Prediction Residuals For Screen Content Coding00.342021
Machine Learning Empowered Trajectory and Passive Beamforming Design in UAV-RIS Wireless Networks220.672021
On Max-Min Complete Targets Sampling in Backscatter-Aided RF Powered IoT Networks00.342021
Braft: Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms For Optical Flow Based On Correlation Blocks00.342021
RIS Enhanced Massive Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks: Deployment and Passive Beamforming Design260.652021
Adjusting forwarder nodes and duty cycle using packet aggregation routing for body sensor networks.30.392020
Multi-Fidelity Meta-Optimization For Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms00.342020
Distributed Broad Learning System10.342020
Improvement of Robot Accuracy with an Optical Tracking System.00.342020
Uplinks Schedulers for RF-Energy Harvesting Networks With Imperfect CSI10.352020
Woody: Low-Cost, Open-Source Humanoid Torso Robot00.342020
Model Maturity Towards Modeling And Simulation: Concepts, Index System Framework And Evaluation Method00.342020
Probabilistic inference of Bayesian neural networks with generalized expectation propagation.20.402020
Efficient SSD Cache for Cloud Block Storage via Leveraging Block Reuse Distances.00.342020
Design and Analysis of Probing Route to Defense Sink-Hole Attacks for Internet of Things Security.10.352020
Issd: Improved Ssd For Insulator And Spacer Online Detection Based On Uav System00.342020
Graph4edge: A Graph-Based Computation Offloading Strategy For Mobile-Edge Workflow Applications00.342020
Applying Code Quality Detection in Online Programming Judge.00.342020
Smart Edge Caching-Aided Partial Opportunistic Interference Alignment In Hetnets00.342020
Artificial Intelligence Aware And Security-Enhanced Traceback Technique In Mobile Edge Computing00.342020
OD Morphing: Balancing Simplicity with Faithfulness for OD Bundling.00.342020
Characterizing and Modeling Non-Volatile Memory Systems30.382020
Bayesian Adversarial Attack On Graph Neural Networks (Student Abstract)00.342020
An energy efficient data transmission approach for low-duty-cycle wireless sensor networks10.342020
Multi-lane traffic flow monitoring and detection system based on video detection.00.342020
Referee: A Pattern-Guided Approach for Auto Design in Compiler-Based Analyzers00.342020
Neighborhood Matching Network for Entity Alignment00.342020
Viscosity approximations considering boundary point method for fixed-point and variational inequalities of quasi-nonexpansive mappings00.342020
A Measurement Fault Elimination Method in One-dimensional Fourier Phase Retrieval.00.342020
Hybrid Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Considering Intrasegment Homogeneity and Intersegment Heterogeneity00.342020
6dof Pose Estimation Of Transparent Object From A Single Rgb-D Image00.342020
Robust 3D Hand Detection from a Single RGB-D Image in Unconstrained Environments.10.352020
Adaptive data and verified message disjoint security routing for gathering big data in energy harvesting networks.10.342020
A note of vertex arboricity of planar graphs without 4-cycles intersecting with 6-cycles00.342020
Semantics and Structure Based Recommendation of Similar Legal Cases00.342019
Flash-based Computing in-Memory Scheme for IOT00.342019
A Trust-Based Active Detection for Cyber-Physical Security in Industrial Environments.20.362019
On Sampling Time Maximization in Wireless Powered Internet of Things00.342019
Binary Star: Coordinated Reliability in Heterogeneous Memory Systems for High Performance and Scalability20.362019
HR<sup>3</sup>AM: A Heat Resilient Design for RRAM-based Neuromorphic Computing00.342019
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