Univ Western Australia, Sch Elect Elect & Comp Engn, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
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Innovation Starts With Education [From the Guest Editors]00.342021
Novice to Postgraduate Researcher Perceptions of Threshold Concepts and Capabilities in Signal Processing: Understanding Students' and Researchers' Perspectives00.342021
Replay anti-spoofing countermeasure based on data augmentation with post selection.10.362020
An Objective Voice Gender Scoring System and Identification of the Salient Acoustic Measures.00.342020
3-D Tomographic Reconstruction of Rain Field Using Microwave Signals From LEO Satellites: Principle and Simulation Results00.342019
Enhanced -least Mean Square.10.352019
Data augmentation and post selection for improved replay attack detection10.362019
Deep Fusion Net for Coral Classification in Fluorescence and Reflectance Images00.342019
A Survey: Neural Network-Based Deep Learning for Acoustic Event Detection10.412019
Auxiliary classifier generative adversarial network with soft labels in imbalanced acoustic event detection40.382019
Acoustic Scene Classification Using Joint Time-Frequency Image-Based Feature Representations00.342018
A computer-aided detection of the architectural distortion in digital mammograms using the fractal dimension measurements of BEMD.00.342018
DataDeps.jl: Repeatable Data Setup for Replicable Data Science.00.342018
The Most Discriminant Subbands For Face Recognition: A Novel Information-Theoretic Framework00.342018
Generalized Joint Sparse Representation for Multimodal Biometric Fusion of Heterogeneous Features00.342018
Enhanced q-Least Mean Square.00.342018
Cost-Sensitive Learning of Deep Feature Representations From Imbalanced Data.210.732018
A Fractional Gradient Descent-Based RBF Neural Network.10.382018
Image Set Classification for Low Resolution Surveillance.00.342018
A Joint Deep Boltzmann Machine (jDBM) Model for Person Identification Using Mobile Phone Data.10.342017
Learning Distributions of Meant Color.00.342017
Compressed high dimensional features for speaker spoofing detection.10.352017
A cascade gray-stereo visual feature extraction method for visual and audio-visual speech recognition.20.362017
Iris recognition using class-specific dictionaries.20.362017
A robust variable step size fractional least mean square (RVSS-FLMS) algorithm20.382017
A Novel Adaptive Kernel for the RBF Neural Networks.60.432017
Frame-Wise Dynamic Threshold Based Polyphonic Acoustic Event Detection20.432017
Integrating Geometrical Context for Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes using RGBD Images50.422016
Deep Boltzmann Machines for i-Vector Based Audio-Visual Person Identification.20.362015
Cost Sensitive Learning of Deep Feature Representations from Imbalanced Data321.002015
A deep neural network for audio-visual person recognition30.412015
Empirical mode decomposition of digital mammograms for the statistical based characterization of architectural distortion20.372015
An Investigation Of Neural Embeddings For Coreference Resolution00.342015
How Well Sentence Embeddings Capture Meaning30.442015
A confidence-based late fusion framework for audio-visual biometric identification10.372015
A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition150.582015
Confidence-based Rank-level Fusion for Audio-visual Person Identification System.10.382014
Time-frequency clustering with weighted and contextual information for convolutive blind source separation00.342014
Quantifying target spotting performances with complex geoscientific imagery using ERP P300 responses20.392014
Hybrid Metaheuristic Approaches to the Expectation Maximization for Estimation of the Hidden Markov Model for Signal Modeling.20.362014
A lip extraction algorithm using region-based ACM with automatic contour initialization10.382013
Speech enhancement strategy for speech recognition microcontroller under noisy environments50.472013
Evaluations on underdetermined blind source separation in adverse environments using time-frequency masking.10.362013
Studying the Impact of Feature Saliency for Geoscientific Target Detection Using Electroencephalography (EEG).00.342012
On the integration of time-frequency masking speech separation and recognition in underdetermined environments00.342012
A robust approach to reverberant blind source separation in the presence of noise for arbitrarily arranged sensors00.342012
Discrimination comparison between audio and visual features40.482012
Iterative Group Selection-Based Enhancement Of Time-Frequency Masks For Missing Data Recognition00.342012
Robust regression for face recognition612.092012
Speaker verification using sparse representation classification250.882011
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