Nagoya Univ, Dept Informat & Commun Engn, Nagoya, Aichi 4648603, Japan
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DeepDRAMA: Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Disaster Recovery with Mitigation Awareness in EONs00.342021
Dynamically Controlled Flexible-Grid Networks Based on Semi-Flexible Spectrum Assignment and Network-State-Value Evaluation00.342020
Transmission-Quality-Aware Online Network Design And Provisioning Enabled By Optical Performance Monitoring00.342020
Architecture And Design Of Coarse/Fine Hybrid Granular Routing Optical Networks00.342020
Assessment Of Optical Node Architectures For Building Next Generation Large Bandwidth Networks10.362020
High-Throughput and High-Port-Count Optical Cross- Connents Using Flexible Waveband Routing00.342020
High-Throughput Optical Circuit Switch for Intra-Datacenter Networks Based on Spatial Super-Channels00.342020
Assessment of node- and link- level blocking and creating cost-effective networks in the era of large bandwidth services00.342019
Improved Optical Amplification Efficiency By Using Turbo Cladding Pumping Scheme For Multicore Fiber Optical Networks10.392019
Feasibility Test of Large-Scale (1, 424×1, 424) Optical Circuit Switches Utilizing Commercially Available Tunable Lasers.00.342019
Demonstration of Quasi-Nyquist WDM Networks using Widely Deployed Wavelength-Selective Switches00.342019
Design of and Resiliency Enhancement in Coarse/Fine Hybrid Granular Routing Optical Networks Based on Iterative Path-Pair-Loop Inflation00.342019
Evaluation of WSS Characteristics in Highly Dense WDM Networks00.342019
Switching granularity and intra-node interconnection optimization for large scale optical nodes.00.342019
Dynamic Control of Transparent Optical Networks with Adaptive State-Value Assessment Enabled by Reinforcement Learning00.342019
Assessment Of Node-And Link-Level Blocking And Creating Cost-Effective Networks In The Era Of Large Bandwidth Services00.342019
Architecture and Design of Quasi-Nyquist WDM Networks with Flexible Grid Granular Switching00.342018
Fragmentation-Minimized Transponder Upgrading Employing Channel Bandwidth Aligned Slot Allocation In Flexible Grid Optical Networks00.342018
Spectral utilization efficient coarse granular routing optical networks with resiliency against multiple failures10.362018
Spectrally Efficient And Highly Resilient Grouped Routing Network Enhanced With Optical Performance Monitoring00.342018
Novel Demodulation Framework Based on Quadrature Duo-Binary/Quaternary/Octernary Spectrum Shaping and MLSE for Mitigating Spectrum Narrowing Caused by Node Traversals00.342018
A New Framework for Nation-Wide Networking in Future Datacenter-Traffic Centric Era00.342018
Fast Optical Circuit Switch For Intra-Datacenter Networking00.342017
Dynamic Control Of Coarse/Fine Hybrid Granular Routing Optical Networks00.342017
Joint Banding-Node Placement and Resource Allocation for Multi-Granular Elastic Optical Networks.10.342017
Routing, Fiber, Band, And Spectrum Assignment (Rfbsa) For Multi-Granular Elastic Optical Networks10.342017
Dynamic Path Provisioning And Disruption-Free Reoptimization Algorithms For Bandwidth On-Demand Services Considering Fairness00.342017
Optical Tunable Filter For Gridless Roadm00.342017
Highly Reliable Large-Scale Optical Cross-Connect Architecture Utilizing Mxm Wavelength-Selective Switches00.342017
Novel Intra- And Inter-Datacenter Converged Network Exploiting Space- And Wavelength-Dimensional Switches00.342017
Spectrum utilization maximization in coarse granular optical routing networks that employ fine granular shared protection00.342016
Survivable Grouped Routing Optical Networks With Dedicated Path Protection00.342016
Dynamic Router Performance Control Utilizing Support Vector Machines for Energy Consumption Reduction.00.342016
Optimal nonuniform wavebanding in WDM mesh networks10.342015
Resilient grouped routing optical networks with finely granular protection30.442015
Wavelength Path Signalling For Wss/Wbss Combined Optical Switches In Hierarchical Optical Networks00.342015
Differential Reliability Path Accommodation Design And Reconfiguration In Virtualized Multi-Layer Transport Network10.392015
Comparison of OXC Node Architectures for WDM and Flex-Grid Optical Networks20.402015
Router power reduction by active performance control realized with support vector machines00.342015
Pre-Adjustment Rerouting For Wavelength Defragmentation In Optical Transparent Wdm Networks00.342015
Shared protected grouped optical path routing network design employing iterative path group relocation20.392015
A 204.8 Tbps throughput 64×64 optical cross-connect prototype that allows C/D/C add/drop00.342014
Dynamic Grouped Routing Optical Networks For Cost Effective And Agile Wavelength Services10.402013
Facilitation of listening comprehension by visual information under noisy listening condition00.342009
A Method of Constructing QoS Overlay Network and Its Evaluation30.392009